Chapter 22

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Mira had sixty seconds before the gong went off and the blood bath officially started. It will take her sixty seconds to take in every detail of her surroundings. The Cornucopia, the ring of tributes, the area. She had sixty seconds to think about what she was going to do. Then she remembered what Finnick said, "Just run straight to the Cornucopia and find Destan and the other careers.", is what he said.

And that was what she did once the sound of the gong released them from their pedestals.

She ran as fast as she could, hoping the other careers had already reached the Cornucopia before any other tributes could. That was her only hope of surviving the first hour. Everybody knew that the careers were allies during the first few parts of the games, but after everybody is dead, all bonds and pleasantries formed would be forgotten as they all turn against each other.

In the end, there would still only be one victor.

Mira almost reached the Cornucopia, almost. She stopped in her tracks once she saw Slate pierce his sword through another tribute. She stood frozen in her spot as the bloodbath was starting to take place right before her eyes. Tributes were fighting for weapons, gear, and equipment, and it seemed that the only ones who were clearly enjoying the current situation were the Careers. Her eyes were wide as saucers, still staring at the corpse of the girl from District 12. She was so shocked that she didn't even notice the girl from District 10 approaching her with a cleaver.

She gasped just as a splatter of blood hit her face, bringing her back to reality. She quickly turns her head to the side to see the girl from District 10 clutching onto the spear that went through her, with wide eyes and a bloody mouth. Then, she flinches as the body drops revealing a heaving Destan.

"What were you thinking?" He chides, "You were almost killed!"

Mira flinches at Destan's raised voice and seeing her frightened expression got Destan to soften his expression and grab Mira's arm just as he took out the spear from the dead girl's body. He led the shaken girl to the Cornucopia where the other Careers were looking for more supplies and made her sit on a crate.

"You should've seen the look on his face before my mace cracked his skull open Suave," Grace says to an amused Suave who was busy wiping off the blood from his scythe. The pretty girl from District 1 had this wicked smile on her face that gave Mira goosebumps. This girl was far different from the one she had met before, this girl was far more vicious and scarier. "That was quite satisfying if I say so myself." She adds with a smug smirk on her face as she looks at her reflection on a silver shield while she fixes her high ponytail.

"How bout you, Mira? How many did you kill?" Mira shifted on her seat as all eyes were on her now. She bit her lip as she avoided Grace's gaze.

"Well?" The blonde girl asks impatiently.

Mira hesitates, playing with her fingers, and looks up to the Careers, waiting for her reply. "Well, I-" She began but was cut off by Destan's voice. "Let's set up camp. Supplies aren't going to be a problem, but we wouldn't want the other tributes to sneak up on us and steal what belongs to us-" He then shifts his gaze to Mira who was still seated on the crate, "Or kill us while our backs are turned."

Mira lowered her head down ashamed and disappointed in herself.

It was late afternoon when they heard the cannons. Each shot represents a dead tribute. Mira and the others were in the woods as they counted each shot, the others smiling in content knowing that they were the ones that caused these cannons to sound throughout the arena.

"That's it? Ten? I could've sworn I killed four earlier." Stone recalls with a tilt of her head.

"That last boy you shot must've survived your arrow." Suave teases with a smirk, earning a glare from the shorter girl. "I shoot to kill pretty boy. NEVER doubt the arrows." She spats pointing an arrow at Suave's direction who has his arms up in mock surrender.

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