Chapter 1

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Kunikida: Alright. There is a bomb located in a nearby children's hospital. We need a group of three people to-

Kunikida stopped what he was saying when he saw that Atsushi was dozing off in his chair. The older man walked over to the boy in the chair.

Kunikida: Atsushi Nakajima!

Atsushi bolted up straight and nearly fell out of his chair. Atsushi was clearly confused as to why his Senpai was so mad at him.

Atsushi: Mr. Kunikida why are you so mad? Wait how did I get here?

Kunikida: Very amusing Atsushi but please just try to focus on today's agenda.

Atsushi: Okay. I'm sorry.

Kunikida: As I was saying there is a bomb in the children's hospital. We need a group of three people to investigate and disarm it. The three people I had in mind was Naomi, Jun'ichiro, and Ranpo.

Once the meeting adjourned Kunikida wanted to have some words in private with Atsushi about dozing off during a meeting. Kunikida sees that Atsushi was still in his chair still. Kunikida kneeled in front of the boy to get his attention.

Kunikida: Atsushi I'm not angry right now but the reason I was mad earlier is because you are apart of this agency and if you got hurt on a mission it's on the agency's hands, more specifically mine. I don't want to see you get hurt on my watch so I need for you to stay alert and concentrate.

Atsushi nodded in response which did not go over smoothly with Kunikida because of someone just nods in response that means that they weren't listening.

Kunikida: Atsushi I need a verbal response. Just say yes or no if you understand what I am saying.

Atsushi: Y..Ye...

Atsushi then falls into a harsh coughing fit and falls out of his chair. Luckily Kunikida caught Atsushi as the still coughing boy fell forward onto his knees. Kunikida patted Atsushi's back until he stopped coughing.

Kunikida carefully picked up Atsushi from the ground and laid him down on his back on an empty desk. Kunikida was so busy with Atsushi that he didn't even here Dazai come in to the room. Dazai took one look at Atsushi and saw that he needed medical attention.

Dazai: Dr. Yosano!

Almost instantly the doctor came in to the room. Kunikida and Dazai stepped away from the ill boy so that the doctor could do her job.

Yosano: Atsushi? Can you hear me?

Atsushi didn't respond which meant that either his throat was too raw to speak or he fainted due to the exhaustion from the coughing fit earlier.

Yosano: We need to get him to the infirmary room so that I can fully examine Atsushi.

Without another word Dazai gently picked up Atsushi and followed slowly behind Yosano to the infirmary.

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