2. Not So Mean Girls

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"Surprise!" Riya and Mishti cried together.

"Why on earth are you two taking the bus now?", I asked.

"Because, real friends stick together babe", Riya said, "We thought we'd take the bus in the mornings from now".

"Yeah", said Mishti.

"But your houses are like one kilometre away from school", I said.

"Don't tell us you prefer taking this bus ride by yourself", said Mishti sitting down next to me.

"I won't", I grinned at Mishti who had already pulling out her Physics textbook and disappeared behind it. This was classic Mishti behaviour.

Mom had suggested I switch schools because of the distance. But after spending thirteen years in St Xavier's, that idea was unthinkable for me. And now the fact that both my best friends were taking the school bus just for me was very cheesy yet very touching.

"Uncle, please..music", Riya said after ten seconds.

"I'm not allowed to", the driver said sharply, "Your principal sir will kill me".

"Uh, come on!", Riya shouted exasperatedly, making several junior kids turn around and look at us. But Riya pretended like that wasn't exactly what she had expected and slid down her seat, "School bus is supposed to be fun", she groaned loudly.

"Don't make animal noises. Sit quietly", our bus driver said stiffly.

Riya sat up instantly, "Did he just say animal noises? I'm not an animal! I'm..."

"Not a Fine Arts Secretary, anymore babe", I said gently "Remember? That was last year".

"Okay, but still I was a Fine Arts Secretary dammit!"

The only thing Riya had been seriously bothered about since middle school was her social status inside the St Xavier's campus.

But I had to give it to my friend.

With one thing and another, Riya had managed to get for herself what she wanted most, before leaving school. Popularity.

"Only another eight months of school life", Riya said "I intend to fully enjoy the 'senior' status before we leave."

"Enjoy as in getting juniors to do all your dirty work", Mishti said from behind her book, "That's so mean Riya. Did you know that?"

"No. We just like to have some fun", Riya said "We are not so mean girls".

"You can't exploit your position".

"Yeah because Aaliyah won't exploit it at all".

"So you're going to descend to her level?"

Riya fell silent for a second. Aaliyah had been Riya's nemesis for a very long time. She and her friend Maya were the mean girls in our school lives. They hated Riya the most. They also hated me and Mishti but not as much as they hated Riya.

"And anyway after going for therapy last year, Aaliyah's been a lot better", Mishti said "I heard she's joined some volunteer program".

"She's doing it for her own advantage", Riya drawled "When has Aaliyah ever done anything with good intention? My guess is that when she finishes the program and gets a certificate, she can mention it on her resume".

"That's harsh", I said.

"I'm just saying that poisonous toadstools don't change their spots", said Riya wisely.

"I'm just thinking", Mishti said.

"What?", I asked.

"I didn't do it", Mishti said vaguely.

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