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The journey back to the Survey Corps' Headquarters dragged on as Levi and his squad ventured out of the ruined city, head bowed solemnly.

When they returned to the Headquarters, Ericka was taken to a spare room to rest. By her side were Petra and Levi, who monitored her condition. They stayed there since early morning when they arrived from their mission. When Levi was summoned by Erwin for a meeting, Petra stayed behind to watch over Ericka.

The unconscious young woman laid in her bed breathing softly. Still, no signs of consciousness, but Petra could only hope the woman will wake up soon.

"How is she?"

Petra looked up as Levi entered the room with concern washed over his face.

Petra frowned at the girl. "She hasn't woken up. Sir, do you think she's still alive?"

Levi leaned over the bed, pressing an ear to Ericka's chest. Feint pulsing could be heard. His expression relaxed a little.

"She seems alive," he concluded. "Just knocked out pretty badly. Give her time."

Petra glanced at Ericka's form, her brows furrowed.
"I wonder who she is. I can't imagine the pain she must feel to lose her family."

Levi wandered over to the window, deep in thought.
"No idea. Once she wakes up we'll get answers." He glanced back at Petra. "Does the girl have any wounds?"

"She's got bruises and a minor wound on her legs. I've covered it with bandages to stop the bleeding. I'm not sure what exactly happened."

Levi went over to the girl to inspect her. "Show me."

Nodding, Petra lifted Ericka's shirt slightly, revealing an area on her abdomen with bruises, which had been covered by bandages. She revealed the bruises on Ericka's exposed arms and legs.

"Hmm. I'll get Hange to check on her when she wakes up," Levi stated. "I just hope she's not in a critical condition, but it appears like it."

Suddenly the door creaked opened, making both the Captain and his subordinate look up.

The other squad members - Eld, Gunther and Oruo entered the room with Hange behind them.

"Levi! Is she awake now? Can I do an assessment on her?" Hange asked eagerly.

Levi shook his head. "No, not yet."

Suddenly there was a moan and shifting on the bed. Levi glanced at the bed seeing the Ericka's body moved slightly.

Slowly, her eyes fluttered open, darting around the room.

Groggily, she sat upright on the bed, her gaze adjusting to her surroundings. Everything seems so unfamiliar; she realised she wasn't in her town anymore.

It felt like so long ago since she was there, and she wondered how she ended up here. Where were her parents and everybody she knew?

"Ugh, my head hurts," she groaned, pressing a hand on her scorching forehead.

Suddenly, her gaze fell on the strangers surrounding her. One appeared to be a short man with raven hair; the other was a woman with red-rimmed glasses and wild chestnut-brown hair, and four other people who wore identical military uniforms as the others,

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