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I might be the first person to die of embarrassment

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I might be the first person to die of embarrassment. Maybe just to top it all off my tombstone can read 'Here lies Muriel Reazpoe, died because of overwhelming embarrassment' .

I had thought we were on the same page? I mean, I took his boxers off and he climbed on top of me pressing himself between my legs so hard my underwear was dipping inside. All I did was remove my underwear and he did the rest.

I guess he's been extremely vocal about what he's planning on doing and asks when we try something new...now I'm feeling embarrassed as well as guilty.

I had been so lost in the moment and didn't think to ask or warn him? I mean, I'm not used to giving a play-by- play of doing these sorts of things.

With Jeremy he'd ask then I'd lay there until he was done. No communication about what body part is going where or what he wants to touch next, because it was all straightforward. There was no experimenting with touching different parts or anything. When he asked for sex it was already known the type and how long it would take. It was easy and straightforward. All I did was open my legs and stare at the ceiling while Jeremy did the rest.

Everything is so different with Ollie. And I mean everything. Starting with the way he touches me. How its rough but also soft and sweet to how he likes to talk everything through and make sure I'm one hundred percent comfortable with it. I suppose I shouldn't expect anything less from him because he is such a great person and very attentive to others but I didn't think that would cross over to the bedroom...but then again, I never really thought much about the type of lover he is.

Okay, maybe I thought about it once in a while. I remember thinking about it all the time when I had planned on giving my virginity away. But by then we had already grown apart and all the questions I wanted to ask never were...

I was thankful but upset he stayed in my room last night. If he had left and slept in his own bed I would have surely been found dead by morning. I think I might have actually found a way to leave, because I wouldn't have been able to face him in the morning.

By the time the morning sun breaks through my bedroom window, I've been awake for what seems like hours. I'm not even sure if I fell asleep last night. My body aches with sleep deprivation, but my worried mind is wide awake.

I climb from bed and use the toilet as well as brush my hair and teeth. As the suds build around my mouth I give a once over to my body. The sight of little bruises around my thighs in the shape of finger prints makes my heart leap and run filling my body with instant heat. I spit into the sink and crane my neck seeing the marks on my neck, all the evidence of yesterday's activities peppering my neck and shoulder.

I suck half of my lower lip into my mouth and feel my cheeks burn, satisfaction building in my gut from the sight of what it looks like to be with him.

Weird, and slightly perverse I know but the woman parts of me are hardening and melting all at once.

Shit, I really need to put some clothes on.

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