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Phoenix Haynes

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Phoenix Haynes

"Hey! Need help?" A familiar voice asked, and I turned around to see Peter.

"I'm guessing you can't find our class, because it's actually this way." He said, sheepishly gesturing back the way I'd come from, making me blush.

"Some help would be great." I admitted, and Peter smiled, gesturing for me to follow him.

"Last night was heaps of fun." He said, making me chuckle.

"Yeah, it was." I agreed, and we kept walking.

"Thankyou for hosting, and for letting me join your little gang."

"Anytime." Peter responded, and I sighed happily.

"Sorry to be a burden and make you walk me to class." I apologised, but Peter made a dismissive gesture.

"You aren't a burden at all, and I offered!" He exclaimed, but looked at his watch, before gasping.

"We are going to be late though, so let's go!"

We started jogging down the hallways, and eventually, we made it to our class, panting as we walked in.

"Ah! Mr Parker, Miss-" The teacher cut herself off, looking at the list of students.

"Haynes, you're both late, for your first class back?" She scoffed, shaking her head.

"Afterschool detention, both of you."

"I'm so sorry, I'm new, it's my fault." I said, giving Peter a sorry look.

"He was helping me find this class, please don't give him detention." I pleased, but she looked unamused.

"Unfortunately, Mr Parker knows the rules and what the consequences of breaking said rules are. Detention, after school today."


"I'm sorry, Peter." I whispered, taking the detention slips from our teacher and taking a seat next to him, handing Peter his.

"It's alright, worth it." He smiled, opening his book and taking a pen out, focusing on what the teacher was saying.

I copied his motion, deciding it was best to focus, not wanting to get in trouble for a second time today.

My phone buzzed in my pocket not long after I started concentrating, making me roll my eyes.

What now?

Shmaptain Schmerica to: Avengers or Whatever.

'Nat, Bruce and I are going to go investigate some tectonic plate shifts. Fury wants to play it safe, scope it out incase someone has come to pay us a visit. Stay safe, will you guys?'

It was Steve, messaging our groupchat.

Rebellious Teen to: Avengers or Whatever.

'No promises, Captain.' I sent back, and I got a response almost immediately.

Always. ~ P.Parker Where stories live. Discover now