Chp 33: 𝑨 𝑻𝒂𝒍𝒌

Comenzar desde el principio

"What do you want to tell us-" Kageyama was cut off by a frantic tangerine saying-.

"-Nothing!, It's nothing.....MOEEEE!, Ch-chotto...I don't even know what I'm saying or thinking rn..." Hinata said as he prayed in his head all of them would believe, and just chuckled at the end, all of them showing worried faces.


"All of you should probably go now, it's late now..."


"Yeah it's getting late" Ren said and dragged everyone out.

'Ren...your fast to catch on, huh?...but what scares me is that you might figure out 'things' soon- too soon' Hinata thought as he smiled the slightest bit.


"Oi Ren! What was that fo-" Kaji bursted out, All of them including the teams and Kiyoko and Yachi we're all in the living room seated around the room.

"Learn to take a hint, Kaji" Ren said as he took a seat with his arms crossed.

"Hint..?, Wdym Ren-san" Almost everyone asked.

"Well...if you didn't notice, he was obviously lying and something is definitely going on, he that to cover up the "I know, I want to tell you guys, but I can't put you guys in danger" thing, so he said that to cover it up and thought we would believe it, but I didn't" Ren explained as the rest try to take in the information.

"But!, We promised each other that if something's wrong and stuff, we would always help each other!" Mao frantically said.

"Yeah, but setting that aside, what's he lying for anyway?, He knows all of us are here for him, right?"

"Do you have any ideas on what his hiding or anything?" Oikawa asked sitting on the floor.

"Yeah, maybe we can get a lead if we brainstorm..?" -Kuroo

"Broooo! Your sooo smart!" -Bokuto

"...Now's not the time Bokuto-san" -Akaashi

"...That's way to do it..."


"Or...we can observe things, if something's off about him, or his body language and try to talk to him but not directly" -Ren

"Ohhhh! Like-"

**With Hinata**

Hinata was just sitting on his bed, starring at his hand blankly.

'...Bastard' That's all he could think of rn.

He threw the covers off him and rumage through his clothes, he got change and quietly open the door to see if anyone was outside and luckily noone was there.

He closed his door and head somewhere, he was now infront of a door and was about to open it when the door opened by a 'guard'.

"I've been waiting for you, Shoyo"

A voice said behind the guard, there he saw his Fucking bastard of a Father that had a smirk on his sick face and sitting on his chair looking smugly at Hinata, just by looking at him made Hinata want to beat the living shit outta him.

Hinata was quiet, his head low, looking at the floor when his 'Father' said-.

"Leave us" He said and ofc the guard obeys the monkeys orders and left them to 'talk'.

"Well, well what brings you here at a time like this?" The bastard chuckled.


"Speak up Sho"

"....You brought her here, huh?"

"Now, now, that's no way to talk to your Father, right?"

'I never had one to begin with...'

"Your no Father to me!"

The man was taken aback as his son yelled at him, Hinata knows far well to not piss off his Father, but rn, he just couldn't control his anger and so did the man.

The man squint his eyes sharply at the boy, just his gaze can literally cut anything rn, but Hinata didn't faze, after all those past years, he got use to his Father's abuse- I mean Discipline.

"Maybe you've forgotten that I have eyes everywhere, huh sho"

"Don't you dare call me that! You don't have the right to call me by my Given name!, And what do you mean"

"I can call you whatever I like, afterall I am your Father" The man chuckled as Hinata got more furious.

'No your not...'

"And we'll, this is what I mean"

Hinata's eyes widen, all you can see was a horrified expression on Hinata's face.

' did he-'

He can only imagine his Father's disgusting smirk right in front of him.


To be continued....


𝐃𝐀𝐍𝐆𝐄𝐑𝐎𝐔𝐒 𝐋𝐎𝐕𝐄 ||  𝑯. 𝑯𝒂𝒓𝒆𝒎 ✔︎ Donde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora