Oo6| Min Yoongi.

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A wave of relief washed over you, as all three cars parked. The first one to come out was Taehyung from the black car, "ahhh! Jimin!!" He yelled, grabbing his hair before he sprinted towards Jimin. Dropping down beside him and taking his hand.

Jimin was awake— you didn't let him sleep no matter how many times he complained to "see the light." But now his eyes were close, until Taehyung took his hand, "Tae..." he asked weakly and you almost rolled your eyes. "Is that you?" His voice croaked.

"I'm here! Stay with me Jiminie!!"

"I'm...so cold."

"You'll live! Jimin! I know you will! We still haven't gone to Niagara Falls!"

Somewhat of a disgusted expression appeared across your face. Not because of the friendship but because Jimin was honestly the most dramatic creature on the planet. "Jimin, it graze, you didn't even lose that much blood."

"Yeah well I'm in pain!" Jimin turned to look at you, no longer as weak as he was. He sat up slightly, before dramatically falling back in your lap. "Pain!!"

You blinked, then turned to Taehyung who was either playing along or completely convinced his friend was at death's door. "Get off me" you mumbled pushing his head off your lap, where it had been for the last few minutes before Yoongi and everyone else showed up. His head dropped on the ground and he whined even louder while Taehyung was having a whole heart attack. "Oh shut up! He's fine" you responded after Taehyung accused you of being heartless monster.

"How do you know!?" He asked while collecting Jimin into his arms. "He could be dead already!"

You settled for simply staring at him, hadn't he been the one bragging about knowing how and where you went to school? Shaking your head you turned to the other two people. The one seated on the hood of the Range Rover had to be Yoongi. You could only see him so well because all headlights were on to illuminate the road. He was dressed in black sweatpants with a long white undershirt and a black sweatshirt over his attire. His hair was grey and pushed off his face by a champions bandana. His attention was on his phone, and he was taking pictures of the wreckage.

You wanted to thank him, but in hindsight...for what?

Next was the real culprit here.

His powerful boots were the first thing you noticed, then a pair of ripped black jeans, a black turtle neck and a long coat. His hair was dyed brown, and he was shuffling awkwardly towards you with his hands behind his back. You stood your ground, arms folded across your chest and a glare settled on him.

You waited until he got to you, to look him up and down before cocking your head to the side.

Somehow through this silent interaction Jimin and Taehyung along with an aloof Yoongi had all turned their attention to the two of you. You didn't mind though, your priorities at the moment were to completely antagonize the idiot here.


"I see your ankle is fine." You looked down at him standing just fine infront of you.

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