part 23

528 13 31

You were 8 months pregnant, you woke up to a call at about 7 in the morning. You got out of bed and walked into the living room to pick up your phone.

"Hello" you say in a groggy voice "y/n, you need to get to the hospital now" you hear bakugo say sounding like he was about to cry. "What's going on" you say, feeling your heart start to pound. "Its Deku," he said, his voice cracking.

You walk out of your apartment trying to calm your breathing. You start to drive to the hospital not knowing what was going on was killing you.

When you got to the hospital you walked to the lady at the front desk. "Hello I'm y/n midoriya" you say the lady's face drops "follow me" she says getting up, you follow her into a room.

Walking in you see your worst fear, deku was lying on the bed connected to many different devices, Bakugo was sitting next to his bed tears in his eyes "what the fuck happened" you say your heart dropping.

"We were protecting some people from villains like always, and buildings were falling and things were going to shit, long story short i was about to get hit with a villains quirk witch where these hard rock knife like things I don't how it explain it but it was about to hit me until he jumped in front and got hit in the heart" bakugo said crying. "I'm so sorry y/n"

"Well what are his chances" you say trying to stay calm and hopeful. "The doctor said 10%" your heart dropped.

You walked over to dekus dieing body, "you have a fucking baby on the way there gonna be here in a month and your wife is here so fucking stay i swear to god if you die I'm going to kill you"

Over the next few days things got worse Dekus lungs collapsed. He had to be put on a machine to help him breath and his heart was starting to give out.

You sat in his hospital room for 3 days refusing to leave his side. Roku came to visit "y/n you need to eat and drink water. I know you're scared but please" she says sitting next to you.

"No Roku my husband is dying and my baby is going to be here any day now i'm still the number 3 hero too i've already been out for 8 moths losing Deku the number one would destroy me and all of japan"

After another day of deku being on life support not being able to breath by himself the doctors come to you. "Mrs. Midoriya i think we need to start discussing options, Mr. Midoriya is the number 1 pro hero and we will do everything we can to save him, but now that it's been 4 days and his condition keeps growing worse we're afraid there's not much we can do" a doctor explains."

"Well what if we just leave him be is there a chance he will wake up" you say hopeull "2% is heart will likely give out before he can wake up"

"Ok" you say, you felt broken, your life felt like it was being ripped away.

You hadn't been home in 4 days Dekus hospital room become your new home.

"Oh Deku how did we get here i love you so much please don't leave me, pleas just try to hold on if you need to let go, let go but pleas for me try" just then you heard it the flat line. You let of a scream and dropped to your knees Dockers and nurses came running in.

Nurses try to get you out of the room but you stay on your knees sobbing prying that he'll make it. The ring of the flat line life rang though your ears. "1..2..3" they shocked dekus chest it made no difference.

Again and again they ran electricity though his body with no result.

He was gone.

You screamed and sobed on the floor of the hospital room after about 20 minutes Mina arrived. She hugged you as you sobed knowing your one true love was forever taken from you.

You stayed at the hospital not saying a word, people came by to talk to you and give you their condolences. You didn't care.

After a few days at the hospital you gave birth to a beautiful baby girl, deku was never going to meet his only child. You named her Rose Izu Midoriya after your mother and Izuku.

Going back to your apartment was the hardest part, opening the door for the first time in a week feelt impossible. You were going to move out of the apartment and move back in with Roku, her wife and ray. You felt staying with family was probably the best.

Packing up the apartment seeing all the things you and deku loved all the little memories, your love was truly gone.

You were packing a book self when you saw a little white box it said y/n on it so you opened it.

Inside was the receipt from your first date flowers from where he proposed a peace of his old ugly hero costume that you always teased him about and at the bottom a letter.

Dear y/n if you're reading this i'm probably gone, i love you and i'm sorry. Like I always said, getting hurt and death is just the life of a hero. I don't know when you're reading this but if my life was short I'm glad i got to live it with you, you made my life worth living, you gave me joy always. I can't even describe in words how much i love you. Just know every day waking up next to you was the best thing in my life. Im sorry im gone im sorry our life couldn't have a happy ending i don't think we were ever supposed to. Even thought we didn't get a happy ending we had a happy life. I love you. We will forever be destin.

Your love- Deku

P.s look at the back

You where sobbing you knew he was gone. You looked at the back of the letter to see he listed all the things he loved about you "i love your smile" "i love your skin" "i love the way you sound when you get up in the morning" "i love the way your hair just naturally always looks cute" and so on

You sobed reading the letter and looking at the things in the box.

You go outside on the balcony of your almost fully packed apartment. Looking up at the night sky you see the stars you and Deku always loved.

"You may be gone be we forever be Destin" as you say that you see a star sparkle and you can't help but let out a smile knowing that was him.

4 years latter

"Mommy" "yes baby?" "So daddy was the number 1 hero and he died before I was born right? What was he like?" Rose asks "oh where do i even begin" you say thinking back about your old lover. "Well it all started when i was 16 your ant came into my room and told me i was going to a new school...

a/n so that was the story i cried 3 times writing this chapter i'm very sorry for the end if you want to feel more pain listen to the spotify playlist (look up destin deku x reader on spotify) or this song here

Thank you for following along with the story. I have a bakugo one coming out next week :)

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