part 15

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Flashing images of your mom danced through your head images of her dead with your dad, her alive acting like a villain, her dying again.The feeling of being stuck to a chair and not knowing if you were going to get out.

Thinking you were going to lose your best friend if you didn't make the worst design of your life, images of who you thought was mina flashed in your mind.You felt trapped, scared. The flashing images stopped, you suddenly saw all the people you loved in one room you tried to run to them, but the hallway seemed like it got longer the more you ran.

The room started fading and crumbling into darkness. You screamed "no" and felt like you were falling.

Suddenly after what felt like an eturady you woke up in the arms of the person you love, Izuku Midoriya. He was holding you looking at you scared.

"y/n are you ok" Deku said with a shaky voice.

"I had a nightmare, sorry I scared you" you say smiling up at him. "No it's fine I was just scared you weren't ok, wanna talk about it". He got up and sat up on your bed pulling you up, he turned your bedside table lamp on and looked at you.

"Well I was just scared the feeling of being at the lov hideout came back, and my mom being alive but then dying in front of me again it was scary then seeing that villain pretending to be Mina just messed me up, then all the people I love where in a room and I was not able to get to them until it was too late".

"y/n that sounds so scary, you getting kidnaped must have been the worst thing ever. I'll be here now thought you don't have to worry anymore"

He gripped your hand blushing "I'll be here always, remember where destin"

You started crying how was he so perfect. You hugged him "thank you... bebe" he blushed mady hugging you back. You both fell back asleep.

When the two of you woke up you were still in each other's arms, it was saturday so you both woke up late.

You looked at your phone and saw 24 messages from mina.

mina :
y/n you good?
y/n Deku is going into your room smirk
y/n why is deku still in there
So you and deku getting it on
Damn good for you girl
Girly are you for real
How long have the 2 of you been dating a moth I-
Get that D ig
You better spill all the tea tomorrow
Oh ya the bakusquad is going out tomorrow so don't stay up too late

Everyone is at breakfast other then you and deku
Let me know if I need to bring you a wheelchair
well let me know if I need to bring deku a wheelchair
We all know he's a bottom
You're definitely a top... right?
I mean it's always the ones you would never expect soooo you need a wheelchair


We are going out in like an hour wake up i don't wanna walk in on you and deku nacked

It was 10:55 "fuck" you grouned geting up

Deku opened his eyes "y/n what" he said

"I gota go the bakusquad is waiting"

You stood up and took your shirt off. Deku immediately freaked out, his face turned redder than it's ever been and he hid under the blanket.

"Deku it's not like I don't have a bra on," you said, putting a different shirt on. You put jeans on and walked into your bathroom. You brushed your hair and walked out seeing Deku looking at his phone.

"Ok I gotta go come on" you said holding you hand out

He took your hand flustered and you both walked out of your dorm.

Deku walked into his dorm to get ready for the day. You walked downstairs and saw the whole bakusquad smirking at you.

"Hey y/n" kiri said bumping you

"Soo y/n" Denki said bumping you on the other said

"Is that a hickey I see" sero said there was nothing on you.

"Now your just making things up nothing happened" you say

"So you and your boyfriend slept in the same bed all night and did nothing," Mina said, not believing it.

You were about to say something but bakugo cut in "duh they didnt do anything, we're talking about y/n and deku you think little bitches like them would do anything"

They all kinda looked at him and agreed you just stood there looking offended, "I- wow bakugo" you say

"So where are we going?" Kiri asked.

"Laser tag" Denki said with a big smile.

The six of you piled into minas car you and mina in the front bakugo kiri and Sero in the back seat and denki in the trunk.

Mina started playing music in the car the whole time bakugo was complaining about being forced to come and haveing to listen to the stupid music.

When you got to the parking lot there was a speed bump Mina hit we all heard a loud bump and an "OWW"

When Mina parked we all got out and opened the trunk seeing Denki really messed up and dizzy.

He got out, wobbled around for a second until falling over "that was great" he said dying of laughter.

You all walked in and sat in the waiting room waiting for your turn. "So y/n who's the top?" Mina asked, looking at you. You started blushing "oh um idk, i won't be asking him, and idk about me" you say

"What do you think you'd be tho" she asked why to eager "oh um probably a switch I don't really care" you say "kinks?"

"It's your groupes turn to go in" the resepshiest lady said

'Thank god' you thought, "don't think this conversation is over y/n" Mina said walking next to you.

The six of you were with a group of middle schoolers.

You and Mina, bakugo and Kiri, and Denki and sero were in groups of 2 you all where most definitely going to make this a competition.

When all of you got into the arina you and Mina went to a corner to plan.

START the robotic voice said.

You and Mina immediately ran and got out all the little kids you saw.

After a while all the middle schoolers where out it was only the six of you.

You and Mina walked backs to each other upstairs to try to spot the other 2 teems.

When walking up you saw denki and sero laying on their stomachs with their guns pointed to the bottom floor trying to sneak attack someone. You and Mina shot both of them now, only your team and Bakugos left.

You saw bakugo and kiri walking on the bottom floor you and Mina got low and watched. Just then a middle schooler you didn't even know was there ran out and shot bakugo. "BAKUBRO" kiri yelled "I WILL AVENGE YOU" the middle schooler then shot kiri.

You and Mina watched now rolling on the floor in laughter. You shot the kid and won.

Bakugo walked out looking fucking pissed "I'm gonna kill that kid" he grumbeld.

You got back to the dorms around 4, you layed in bed smiling about your new found family.

destin {Deku x Reader}حيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن