Chapter 1

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The past few months had been difficult for the Stilinskies. They were constantly worried about Thomas. No matter what they did he was always on their minds. Was he okay? Would they find him soon? Should they just give up? Neither Stilinski wanted to give up completely but it was hard. They had lost Claudia already and were beginning to think they lost Thomas as well. They tried to continue life as normal as possible but it just wasn't the same. Stiles started having panic attacks again. Noah was beginning to think they both had some degree of depression. Scott tried to help as much as he could. They had even tried scent tracking but every time Scott would lose the scent in the exact same place. The Hale house.

Scott was able to control himself. they had figured out that Allison was his anchor. Stiles took Lydia to homecoming but Peter bit her and made Stiles help him find Derek. Stiles did as he was asked to try and protect his friends.

"You know since you helped me I could give you something. I could give you the bite." Peter told Stiles knowing this is what the boy wanted. "You could be as strong and as powerful as Scott all it takes is one little bite." Peter continued taunting Stiles knowing that he had felt useless compared to Scott. Surprisingly Stiles declined his offer. "Then why don't I let you in on a little secret." Peter said knowing he had gotten Stiles' attention. "Thomas is alive. He was taken by a company called WCKD. They took your brother to put him through a series of trials" Peter told Stiles. Stiles utterly shocked and concerned shook himself out his daze and asked Peter "How do you even know about him? What do you mean, what trials? Why would they take him?" "I only know what I've heard and that is that they call them the maze trials. I also know that everything they tell people is a lie. They have been taking kids for years now. One thing I especially don't understand is that they mainly take kids from right here in Beacon Hills" Peter explained.

"Wait so you're saying that other kids also disappeared but they were taken by this WCKD place, WHO ALSO TOOK MY BROTHER?" Stiles asked. He was going through a whole range of emotions. What do expect he just found out that his brother who had started losing hope on finding is alive and he might actually be able to get him back.

Peter left going to find Derek while Stiles went back to the school there he met with Jackson and they decided they would use Lydia's idea from the night they were trapped in the school. They got the supplies they needed and made their way to the Hale house. When they got there they saw the alpha and Scott fighting. Peter stood over Scott preparing to attack when Stiles threw his beaker at him. Peter caught it and Allison fired an arrow causing it to work. Flames started to run up the alpha's arm. Next Jackson threw his beaker causing it to smash on Peter's back. Even more flames started covering Peter. This caused him to shift back and fall to the ground weak and in pain. Derek marched straight over to Peter. " No Derek stop." Scott yelled before anyone else could say anything else Derek had clawed Peter taking his power. Derek turned with bright red eyes and said " I'm the alpha now."

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