Chapter 27: Being Prepared

Start from the beginning

"Thank you Sophia." He doesn't know what to say. He has never been charged with something like this before but feels honored that she entrusted this to him. He reaches over taking her hand. Their eyes looking to one another. "Are you sure about who you assigned as your POA?"


He nods and doesn't ask any further. He stands up taking the folder to his desk before opening his locked drawer and sliding it in. Sophia watches with a shaky breath as she realizes her family will be protected just in case she doesn't make it for the second time. Life can be cruel and even though she is not ready to give up, she will not go into this without her reservations. 

"Thank you Mark."

He gives her a tight lip and in that moment is surprised to see how emotional the older man is getting. She walks around hugging him for a moment before standing back up and walking out without looking back. Eyes are on her but she continues straight for the elevator. Pressing the button and the doors sliding close make him finally relax against the wall of the steel box. Her body slouching with relief that she got that part done. She decides to go finances first before heading back up to the top floor. The people on this floor being nice compared to the other floor. She waves at the familiar faces walking to Taylor's office. 

"Oh wow"

Taylor was hanging a painting on her wall. Sophia's feet take her to stand inspecting the piece. It was beautiful just like Taylor's other artwork. In the photo a woman was holding a small child to her chest. The sun illuminating over the pair but it had an abstract texture just like her previous works. 

"Do you like?" Taylor says stepping back to stand beside Sophia. The red head couldn't find words so she nods her head. Taylor grins before turning back to her work. "It's you and Destiny."

Sophia's hand comes to her chest feeling it beat harder in her chest. She had never be a muse for someone else's work before. It was warming to know that she helped inspire Taylor in her art. She looked closer and notice the similarities. The red hair waving around the frame and the dark hair upon the young babe in her arms. She turned and hugged Taylor earning a chuckle from the girl. 

"It's amazing Taylor"

The brunette just shrugged but Sophia could have sworn she saw the pink on her cheeks. Taylor truly was an artist. 

"Now what on earth are you doing down here. I'm sure Mr. Sanford is missing you?" She says in a teasing tone. Sophia groans playfully flopping down in the chair in front of her desk. 

"Not you too!"

"What?" Taylor says innocently while sitting back in her own chair. 

"Brad has already said the same thing."

"That man is completely smitten with you and every one can see it." Taylor points a finger at her making her hide her head in her hands. Taylor snorts turning to her computer. 

"I'm just not used to it."

"What having a boyfriend?"

"Well yea.." Sophia says fidgeting with her hands. Taylor turns her full attention to her. 

"Wait! You've never had a man before?!"

"I've just never had a title before." Sophia says feeling like she is about to combust from the amount of heat she is producing in her cheeks. 

"So what title do you have now?"

Sophia shifts in the seat not sure if she should be talking about this with Taylor or not. It's not that she didn't trust Taylor, she just didn't want her making a big deal about it. 

"He uhm- He says I am his and he is mine."

"Sounds like werewolf kind of thing but sounds hot regardless."

Groaning Sophia covers her face again. "Taylor!"

The sassy brunette just giggles at her red faced friend. "I'm just saying!"

With that Sophia stands ready to leave. She turns looking at the artwork once more before turning to Taylor. "You really should try to sell some of your works. I think you could make a good amount from doing it."

Taylor looks to the work for a moment in thought as Sophia slips out of the office. She makes it back quickly to the top floor finding Luca pacing his office with his phone attached to his ear. She smiles at him and goes back to her desk. He winks at her but continues the conversation he was on. She just shakes her head focusing back on her work for the day. 

Some time later Luca comes out of his office giving her a kiss on the forehead before his phone rings once again. Swearing under his breath he takes the call after giving her one final kiss. She knew he was trying to get ahead of his schedule since in two days she would be out for her first chemo treatment and Luca wanted to be with her. Taking a deep breath she focuses back on the task at hand. The back of her mind continuing to remind her. 

Two days...

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