"And what is that?" said Nephthys, "Turn myself in for turning a fellow student into an animal?"

"No, don't be silly," said Rosie, "Maybe Fred and George will know what to do. I was just with them, they should be still be around here somewhere."

"Rosie. . ." said Nephthys, "I don't think they like me very much."

Rosie tilted her head as she bunched her eyebrows together, "What are you talking about? George keeps asking me about me. Trust me, they don't dislike you. Besides, even if they do, they'll change their minds once they find out what you did."

"He does?" asked Nephthys in surprise. She wondered what he was saying, if it was positive or negative. Rosie didn't clarify what he was asking about, it could've been about the rumors or why she didn't tell them she was a Slytherin.

"It's a long story," said Rosie, "I'll tell you once we resolve the snake situation, come on."

Rosie grabbed Nephthys's hand and hurried along the corridors. Nephthys kept glancing nervously at her robes, shaking them every once in a while to make sure there was still something in there. She also felt her nerves increase as she thought about seeing Fred and George Weasley again.

"Fred! George!" The sounds of their names caused anephthys's heart fall to her stomach She looked over to see them walking down a corridor. "Thank Merlin, we found you! You'll never believe what happened!"

Fred and George turned around, both seemed surprise to see Rosie had returned with Nephthys in tow.

"Rosie," said Fred before he looked behind Rosie to look at Nephthys, "Black."

"What happened?" asked George as he looked at Rosie, who had a giant grin on her face.

"It's amazing!" cried out Rosie as she let go of Nephthys's hand.

"You're only saying that because you're not the one who's going to get expelled," said Nephthys.

"You won't get expelled, calm down," said Rosie, "Nephthys figured out how to brew the potion and — what liars you are!"

She slapped Fred's arm, who laughed and angled his body away from her, "What are you talking about, Rosie?"

"You two said the potion changed hair colours!" said Rosie as she pointed a finger at them.

"It was supposed to," said George before he looked over at Nephthys, "What did it do?"

Nephthys held out her robes, "See for yourself."

Fred stared at her warily but he was the one who took the pair of robes from her. George stared at her for another second before he looked at his brother, who looked at him. Rosie stared at them anxiously as she waited for them to open the robes.

"Wait," said Nephthys, "We probably shouldn't do this in an open area."

"You're right, of course," said Rosie before she tapped Fred's arm and hurried down the corridor. Fred immediately followed after her, but George moved slowly with his steps. Nephthys walked beside him awkwardly, unsure if she should speed up or stay beside him.

"Come on, slowcoaches!" called out Fred before he turned a corner. Rosie pulled on his sleeve and the two ran off laughing.

"I'm not sure running with a snake — and they're gone," said Nephthys as she glanced at George. He was staring at the ceiling. She laughed and he looked over at her. Her cheeks heat up as she said, "I didn't know the ceiling was so interesting."

"You wouldn't know unless you look up," said George with a smile before it was quiet again. They turned the corner and the corridor was empty.

"Where did they go?" asked Nephthys.

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