Chapter 19

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"You should've seen your face."

Callie ignored Fallon's laughter as she recounted the events over the last hour. After failing to calm down the full blown, panicking delinquents, Callie settled for retreating back to the beach with the rest of the girls to avoid causing anymore unintentional harm. 

"Seriously though, are they that scared of another camper? Isn't there a no violence policy here?" Callie asked from where she was laying on her back on one of the towels, propped up by her elbows. Mel, Keira and Anika shared a look before Anika smiled reassuringly. 

"There is, but don't forget what kind of camp this is. Smaller scuffles break out all the time. Beckett was never one to seek out his opponents but new campers like to test the waters, so to speak."

"They can act like animals trying to figure out the social hierarchy, like when they're allowed to eat in the pecking order." Mel grinned darkly. "They'll try rustling up the girls first, then go after the smaller dudes, then the quiet ones. Beckett kept to himself all last year so he's kind of like a lone wolf."

"They see him as an easy target. Well, until they meet his temper." Keria didn't bother to glance over as she kept her head tilted up, basking in the sun. The girls were in various positions, laying out over the combined towel area. There were other groups of five or six people, mentors and campers alike, waiting for their time to play Callie guessed. Most of the other tournaments were already in full swing on the fields and other designated spaces. Beach games had to wait for their officiators after they finished with their morning games. 

"It's hard to actually picture him with a temper. Was he really that bad?" Callie felt a little strange talking so openly about the lanky, black haired guy that had taken up most of her time. The one time that Callie witnessed any kind of intimidating personality from the delinquent was back at the beginning of summer. 

This time, Keria did turn her head to look at Callie with a teasing smile.

"He's a lot calmer now and way less reactive. He still has a few people that like to push his buttons, but now he just gives them a death glare and walks away. One time I thought he was going to throw everything to the wind, but then Ryeligh mentioned you and it was like a switch flipped in him. You have some remarkable hold on him, girly."

Callie blushed everytime someone brought up the apparent effect she had on him. A stupid smile always followed as she thought back to their promise to stick together. Though, she never realized Beck would try so hard to work on his temper when she wasn't around him.  

"W-well, we made a promise to each other to stay out of trouble."

Lex whistled lowly in amazement. "When's the wedding?"

"That's what I said!" Fallon perked up beside Callie as she flopped onto her stomach. 

"He was afraid he might cause another panic attack so I told him we could stick together more if that helped him not react as much." Callie leaned back fully, laying a tacky arm over her eyes, not wanting to see their reactions. Hearing the soft squeals and coos was enough to keep her flush burning across her cheeks. 

"You're pretty brave little one. What's happening is definitely the better of the two outcomes." She heard Mel speak from the other end of the towel.

"Not really. He's really easy to talk to and, I don't know, it just felt right to befriend him." Callie finished with a mutter as she began to feel Fallon shake against the arm by her side. 

"That's just it. He never spoke to anyone before, yet with you it's like you guys grew up together. I'm a little jealous. I met you first and we even sleep together yet I feel like you two are closer."

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