Chapter 4

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Callie awoke feeling much better and after taking a second to get her bearings straight, she sat up in bed to glance at the clock on her dresser. A movement across the room caught her attention.

"Um, hi?" Callie frowned at the girl hunched over the bed across from her. The girl squeaked and twirled around in fright causing her straight, dirty blond hair to flare out around her shoulders. A pale hand pressed to her chest as she recovered from her surprise at seeing Callie sitting up and awake in bed across the room. Shouldn't she be the one that's more surprised?

"Sorry, I scare easily." the girl blushed, tucking her hair behind her ears as she plopped down on the bed in front of her. Callie could then see the pile of clothes the girl was previously sorting through and her suitcase kicked under the cot.

"My name is Fallon. We're roommates. Sorry, I didn't want to wake you but this is probably way creepier, huh?" Fallon chuckled nervously as light hazel eyes glanced at Callie before looking anywhere but her.

"No worries. I'm Callie." she offered a smile after she wiped away any remnants of sleep with the back of her hands. "Sorry, I was up early." this time Callie looked sheepishly over at the girl.

Fallon pretended to gag a little at the thought of waking up early. "Yeah, I slept in before coming here." The two girls laughed lightly at their shared love of sleeping.

"So how old are you Callie. I'm seventeen and here to work with my aunt on the food team."

"Same and I'm on the food team too!" Callie got off the bed so she could straighten the sheets and check the time since she never did.

"Sweet! This is gonna be fun. I can tell we'll get along." Fallon's hazel eyes sparkled in excitement as she jumped up.

Callie couldn't help but think things were going too smoothly for her usual track record but didn't dwell too much on it. She had enough negative feelings to sort through with her brother. After a nice nap, Callie knew she had to apologize to Ryleigh for being more difficult than the situation called for. He was trying to make her feel more welcome and she was still too hung up in the past. With a sigh, she pulled her phone out to send a quick message to him about what time he was swinging by to retrieve her.

"So what made you come to camp?" Fallon finished putting her clothes away in her dresser before she sprawled over her bed. Her short frame barely took up the length of the cot.

"Actually, my brother is a mentor here. Has been for the past six years." Callie tossed her phone on the bed and decided to put away her things more formally as she waited for a response.

"Wow. But this is your first year here?" Fallon watched with quizzical eyes that reminded Callie of a confused puppy.

"Yeah, it's a long story but basically my boyfriend and I broke up last year and my family thought it would be a good idea to get me out of town for my last summer in high school. So here I am." Callie held up her hands trying to tone down the bitterness in her laugh.

Fallon frowned and switched her stare to the cabin ceiling. "Oh sorry to hear that. At least there's more drama here to distract you. And now you have me!" the tiny girl flipped herself over to lay on her stomach and rest her chin in her hand.

Callie tilted her head in thought as she laughed, feeling the mood pick up. She wasn't sure to be creeped out about how friendly everyone was around the camp or if that was normal.

"I guess I can't avoid drama at a delinquent camp now can I?" Callie sighed as her phone pinged.

  "No, I'm afraid not." Fallon sighed with her before getting distracted with her own phone. Callie quickly read and replied to her brother's message with a small smile seeing the long line of emojis he sent her with his message.

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