A moan escapes my lips when she begins to stroke my dick inside my boxers, I'm instantly hard and throbbing from the surprise and forwardness of this girl.

Unlike before when she touched me with little strokes she is full on serving my entire cock with her hand, the unsure and second-guessing movements seemingly gone this time.

Her kisses are messy and quick, nearly frantic with desperation and desire. Her grip on my cock disappears leaving me only wanting more, in addition  to having my hands on her everywhere at once. However, the pull of the boxers snaps me back to reality. Muriel pulls the shorts down until they are to my knees so I use my foot to shove them the rest of the way.

Without thinking I roll over top of her, fitting between her legs feeling the heat coming from between her legs against my dick pressing against her panties.

Our mouths mold together again, connecting in the middle by our fighting tongues while she hooks her legs around the backs of my thighs and wraps her arms tightly around my neck.

We're a mess of heavy breathing, loud kissing, and quick thoughtless movements.

Her arms leave my neck and her hips lift, sending me into a frenzy of wanting to eat every inch of her up. Her hips drop and her legs leave the backs of my thighs but return quickly.

Happy to continue this semi-dry humping I drop my hips and press myself against her hot center. Only this time, the barrier of her panties is gone and the tip of me breaks passed her folds and presses into her center.

"Ahh! What the fuck!" I yell and jump off looking at my cock knowing it just went inside her then to Muriel who is sitting up covering her mouth her eyes shining and wide.

"I-I'm sorry, oh God...I didn't think, I thought you were okay with that-" Muriel stammers with panic and pulls her legs up to her chest turning the color of a tomato.

"Fuck, no....I mean yes, hell yes, I thought it was me. I thought you're panties broke or some shit. I mean, are you sure? You want to have sex? Sorry, I'm totally caught off guard at the moment."

Did we just fuck? Did I just fuck up the fucking?!

I mean technically the tip went it, so that counts but does it really?

"Oh my God, I'm so embarrassed." She breathes out and presses her hands against the sides of her face, her eyes shining even brighter in the dark room.

"Don't be embarrassed." I plead coming back to her grabbing her hands from her face needing to work on some serious damage control. "That was totally me, I'm sorry I overreacted. " I say aloud but really I'm giddy as fuck. Because my dick went inside her....oh. "Muriel, I don't have a condom on, I mean obviously I trust you, but we can not be having unprotected sex."

"Okay, but I'm on the shot."

Ugh, I dont want to think about that.

"But, are you sure?"

She looks away from me in total confusion, "Yeah, I think I'd know if I was on the shot?"

"No, no, not that. I mean are you sure you want to have sex?"

"In the moment I did, but now I'm freaking out." She says still holding her knees tightly to her chest.

"Just relax, trust me I want to, but we need to talk about this. I need to make sure you are okay with this."

"I've been thinking about it the last hour. Why do you tell me to stop-over thinking but when I do make a move you ask me if I've thought this through?"

"Hold on, that's not what I'm-"

"Then what do you mean?" The agitation and nerves are thick in her voice and I sense this could go down hill very fucking fast.

"I mean...you've only been with one person, Murry, are you sure you're ready to move onto someone else?"

Her nose scrunches up and she narrows her eyes, "So because I've only been with one person you think I need to scrutinize my decisionmaking? If I had more experience would you still be asking me the same question?"

No. "Yes."

I really shot myself in the foot. I am the literal meaning of cock block. Who in the hell cock blocks themselves? This fucking twat, that's who.

Twelve fucking years I wanted this woman and the moment I get there I stumble before the finish line. Excuse me while I ram my head against a wall.

"Ugh, Murry, this isn't a put down. I just want what's best for you and I don't want you to regret anything."

"Okay..." She nods and sucks onto her lip. I can see the wheels turning behind her eyes. After a tense silent moment she pulls the blankets to her waist and reaches under the covers lifting her legs and hips, returning her panties to her hips.

Fucking fuck me.

There's no way I'm leaving this room, although my wounded pride wants me to. So I go back to my side and find my boxers with my foot and quickly put them back on.

"Goodnight, Ollie." She says and rolls to her side giving me her back.

"Goodnight, Murry."

"I'll be sure to take the rest of the night to think about my decision to have sex with you. Hopefully that timeframe works better for you." She snips.


Ok, so the question is do we count this?! 😆

I mean, I feel like Ollie is in the right in this situation?

I dont know? Lol let me know how you feel about this!

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