chapter 12

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Third person POV

Ozpin and Salem made a temporary truce, both sides agree that Zach is too powerful, they're outside Zach's home.


I jump down, meeting ozpin and Salem on the ground level.

"You two got a lot of nerve showing your ugly mugs around here." I told them as my family walk up behind me.

Ozpin and Salem look to each other and nod, they pull out their weapons.

My family gets ready, but I told up my hand.

"This is my fight." I told my family.

I hear gasps.

"Zach, they're powerful!" Ruby exclaims.

I turn my head and grin.

"So am I." I told her.

My armor appears, I aura push ozpin and Salem back.

My dawnblade appears along with my shield.

I bang the two together to make noise.

We start circling each other.

Ozpin teleports behind me, swinging his cane, I dodge while also sending a dawnblade swing at Salem, knocking her down.

I kick ozpin in the stomach, sending him back.

I unsummon my dawnblade and shield, pull out my necro scythe, twist it, making it become dual chained necro scythes.

Following up with multiple attacks, all hitting both ozpin and Salem, they're weakened enough to where I can end them both, however I point my chain scythes at them while they're on the ground.

My hood lowers and my helmet disappears.

"Go on Zach, finish it." Ozpin tells me.

I make my scythes disappear.

"No, killing the both of you won't do anything, it's time for you two to let go of the past, it's not doing anyone any good." I told them.

"Why should I stop, ozpin took our kids!" Salem yells.

"Yet you and ozpin's fucking centuries long war has torn apart billions of families, children have lost their mothers, fathers, sisters, even brothers because of this fucking feud." I told them.

The look of realization dawns on their faces.

I sigh.

"It's time for this war to end, it's been centuries, let it go." I told them.

"I couldn't have said it any better brother." Monty told me.

"What took you so long Monty Oum?" I ask.

"Making sure the area is stable, looks like you finally got through to them." He tells me.

"Yeah I did." I respond.

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