Jenna: from chaos all things are born

Y/n: and to chaos all must return,

Jenna: good it is you very well then your trials shall now begin,

Suddenly I heard a voice in my head telling me to create a colloseum out of rock from the earth, however thats impossible! Only giants can use earth magic, and I'm part demon not giant.

So in a random attempt I raised my hands trying to raise a pillar of rock I succeeded... in making myself look like a total idiot,

-timeskip 20 minutes-

After 20 minutes of utterly failing to even raise a pebble, I was about to give up, when I remembered something drole had said 3000 years ago,

(3000 years ago)

Y/n: drole, how does your earth magic work? I find it fascinating to see

Drole: it seems quite complicated, but in reality its fairly simple, all giants have a natural connection to the earth, and to summon earth magic we draw upon that connection and open it, allowing the earths energy to flow through us, thus granting us the ability to use earth magic,


Y/n: I remember, he said that there is a natural connection, and that all giants have one, but being a demon I dont have that, so what if I try to create a connection between me and the earth? Well its worth a shot at least.

I lowered myself to one knee and placed my hand in the grass, I closed my eyes and focused purely on the earth and how it felt under my fingers, after a while of this I could feel a numbing sensation spread through my fingertips, slowly making its way through my whole body, at first I panicked and tried to move away, but upon opening my eyes, I had noticed that a strange greeny-brown energy was slowly absorbing into me, suddenly for a couple of seconds I was hyperspace of all of the life beneath my feet, the soil, the rock, to the very worms that were currently sleeping or building new tunnels, I had done it! I had established a connection to the earth,

It was then I realised

Y/n: wait, I shouldn't have been able to do that, nobody and I mean nobody except giants can establish a connection with the earth so how the hell did I?

Chaos: you have completed your first trial, congratulations, now for the second,

Y/n: wait I thought I had to build a colliseum?

Chaos: oh yeah, well nevermind its too late now, and besides if you didn't notice you already have

Y/n: wha- oh.

It was then I realised, I was standing in the middle of a massive colliseum made entirely of stone,

Chaos: now as I was saying, its time for you to move on to your second trial, you are to make a weapon that rivals a sacred treasure, by summoning it from fire, then water, and then finally you must summon a blade from the base of a tree,

The fire sword was easy, I just made one from my hellblaze, the water was pretty difficult as I didn't know how to manipulate it, however after learning how to make the water flow around me, it also taught me some new ways to use my hellblaze, the tree however I just couldn't do, no matter how much I tried I just didn't know what to do, so I tried something I read in a book once,

I held my hand towards the tree and yelled

Y/n: transmute!

The bark started twisting and snapping forming the shape of a blade, and then tree resin started coating that blade and hardening itself, the resin provided strength to the blade and also gave it an incredibly sharp edge,

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