Calmed, I went back inside. My eyes darted everywhere, wary of another little incident with another scary, but hot dude. Yeah, as you can see, this is my love life. I find someone completely hot and oh so yummy, and all I can think about is bad things from my nightmares. I can't get a guy at this rate. Does that mean i'll be forever alone? Maybe I should get that forever alone face mask or something. Oh, and pets. Lots of pets. Like a lonely psycho gay old man rocking in his chair back and forth all day.

Right when I got inside. I was hounded by a group of guys, all who wanted a piece of me. Me, being well me, I freaked out and ran away. Oh yeah, the pets thing is starting to sound really good. Does that mean my sex will consist only of my hand, a tissue box, and gay pornos? I can see it now....

“Little Cloud! I'm so happy you're here!”

I turned and smiled, hugging Laura as she charged at me. “It's been a while.”

Laura rolled her eyes. “No kidding. I haven't seen you in four months. That's too long to not see my Little Cloud.” She reached out and poked my cheeks, making kissy faces. “And you sure are little. Just the way I like you.”

I pouted at her. “Don't bring that up. I hate being short and stop poking my cheek.”

Laura didn't listen to me and poked my cheeks more. “They are like mochi. So soft and squishy.” She suddenly placed her cheek on mine and rubbed them together. “Ahh, so nice.”

I slapped her until she finally let me go. “I'm twenty-four years old Laura. Stop treating me like a kid.”

Laura grinned and took a step back, examining me from head to toe. “You sure look great Little Cloud. The designer really knows her stuff.”

I smirked and elbowed her softly on the arm. “Yes she does. She's also the best godmother ever.”

We both laughed as she my offered elbow and hooked it with hers. We made our way to the ballroom, talking about what's been happening, laughing and enjoying each other's company, but I couldn't help but feel a sense of dread about what happened a few minutes ago. Who is that man and why does he know my name? I have a bad feeling about this, a really bad feeling.

The party continued forward. I can already see buzzed people mingling with others and the Rydia aftermath. Oh boy, from the looks of it, Rydia has her name all over it. It's a good thing I have money for bail this time. Always be ready for any situation. I spotted a drunk Rydia all over the security guy, who's fighting off her advances. But I can tell it's a losing cause and he'll cave in about three minutes. Tops.

Laura followed the direction of my eyes and smirked when she saw Rydia's scene. “That girl is just crazy.”

I raised an eyebrow at her. “Who's calling who crazy?”

Laura rolled her eyes. “I'm not crazy. I'm..... eccentric?”

“Is that a question i'm suppose to answer for you?”

Laura playfully glared at me. “Stop being such a smart ass.”

“Well I can't stop being smart, but being an ass comes with the territory of being smart.” I replied back.

Laura punched me on the arm, really hard. I rubbed my arm and frowned. “Owwwww!”

Laura smirked and pulled me into the throng of party goers, all wanting to know who I am. I didn't answer their questions. In fact, I just stayed quietly next to Laura, who was flirting with a man who is very handsome. I checked him out from head to toe and mentally approved. Sexy brown tousled hair, glittering light gray eyes, and a charismatic smile that brought out dimples to his manly face. He wore a white suit that showed off his physique, but not enough so that when it's peeled off, then the surprise will be awaiting you. Oh yeah. Nice pick Laura.

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