Chapter Two

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Brett finally came up with the courage to walk out of his room, and confront his parents. It was time to come out of the closet, and he was ready. It was about 9:00 at night, right around the time that James wrapped up his cello lessons and drove home. His parents would be waiting for him to arrive home at the dining table with food prepared. Brett thought that this would've been as good a time as any to sit down with his family and have this serious talk, so he opens his door and trudges down the stairs, finding his parents exactly where he thought they would be. He sat down next to them just as the door opened to a cello and James rolling it in; just in time. 

His parents were pleasantly surprised when Brett bounded down the steps, as they assumed he ate with his friends at the shop earlier. Although, when he plopped down at the dining table, pale as a sheet and fiddling with his hands and nails, his parents instantly new that there was something off. He just wasn't his usual, energetic self, smiling and laughing as he would usually do. There wasn't even a trace of a smile on his face; he was worried that they wouldn't accept him for who he was, maybe even throw him out of the house.

"My, Brett, what's wrong? You look like you've seen a ghost!" Brett's mother questioned as she began to stroke his back. Brett involuntarily relaxed to the comforting touch, reminding himself that he was spiraling, and that he had nothing to be afraid of. Here goes nothing.

"Actually, mum, dad, James," Brett began as James sat down for his dinner. "I really needed to talk to you guys about something serious that has been going on in my life. It's something that I've been contemplating and thinking about almost non-stop over the past few years, and I've only just worked up the courage to tell you." He took a deep breath in, and then out. This was it.

"I'm gay." Brett winced at the word, as if he were cursing or insulting himself. He looked down at his hands, to afraid to look up and see his parents' and his brother's reactions, in the fear that they would be bad. Suddenly, the hand that had been rubbing his back was removed. With the sudden loss of contact, he looked up at his mom. She looked like she was speechless; she barely had any expression, her mouth slightly hanging open, her eyes staring straight ahead. Tears began to well up in his eyes. 

"I'm really sorry." Brett said as he was holding back tears. His chair scraped against the ground and he ran up the stairs and shut his door, falling into his bed a mess the second time that night. Why had he made that decision tonight? Hasn't he had enough heartbreak? The only thing that could make this better was Eddy. He just wanted Eddy to hold him, to tell him that it was all going to be ok, to help him through the thought that even his own parent's wouldn't accept him. If he was being honest, he wanted Eddy to kiss him all better, even though the chance of him doing that was about negative one thousand percent. A boy could dream. 

Suddenly, a knock on Brett's door brought him out of his immersive thoughts. He gave the ok for them to come in, expecting his parents to be there to throw him out of the house; he was preparing for the absolute worst. But, what he saw when he looked up surprised him, and in the best way possible. It was Eddy.


A/N: Plz tell me if this chapter was too short!! Hope you enjoyed!

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