Chapter 2: Take the secret

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My grandmother still owns a countryside where we have several trees such as walnuts, quinces, pomegranates, forest pears and so on.
I remember we went there and there was a lot of confusion.  My friends were talking to people, there was also a man, a strange guy with a beard, he seemed to be a killer or I don't know but I didn't like his look.  Clemente is talking to this man and it seems that he is explaining an evil plan to create an alibi for everyone.  Someone carries the body of the girl who has now changed color but I can't see it well because she is in a plastic bag.  At that point, two operators bring another bag of another color.  It is dark blue.  The shady man opens the bag and inside is another corpse but this is ... Black. It's charred. Clemente approaches me and tries to explain me slowly, I understand little and nothing but I understood that we had to exchange the girl's body with the charred one of this other person so as to create an alibi, so as to make it clear that we didn't have it  killed us because there would have been witnesses to affirm our thesis. At that point I start to see too many people coming and going, they are all dressed in blue with blue bands, they look like runners.  When they get to where we are, they stop and wear exactly the clothes that the man who was planning everything says.  By then, maybe 40 people have been there, go down to the ground and take a look around in the dry grass and so on.  Will they be the fake witnesses?  and as I keep looking at these people I think "how much budget does my friend have? How much money does he have if he paid all these people?"
Everything else is very confusing also because I didn't have to tell this story to anyone, not even my boyfriend who had just stayed at home.  I remember every single car trip we took, I remember that road, the lights, the night, the guilt of killing someone.

(I wake up)

But I still don't know which alibi to use.  What was I supposed to say?  What happened that night?

But then I thought, "Wait, I'm in bed. It means it was all a dream. What a relief!"

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