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Pic credit goes to the rightful owner

Third person POV

The night has deepened and the lights of the corridor of the big mansion is now all dimmed.

The owner of the big mansion and his wife is sleeping soundly. Soft breaths and big snoring sounds are the proof of it.

The guards looks around as The opening sound of door can be heard. But nothing more.

Maids are also nowhere near to be found. And the butlers are also slowly dozing off.

And this is the greatest chance for the young male to escape.

Yes! Escape!

Escape the hell he is leaving for the last 23 years of his life.

Escape his father's wrath and disgust towards him.

Escape his brother's hatred towards him.

He slowly creek open the big door of his lavish room. And come outside the room, soundlessly.

He looks around, checks if someone is near him or if there is any risk of him being watched.

There is CCTV cameras in the hallways and he knows he is being captured. But the guards will not come.

It is the time when everyone dozed off, everyday. And he had noticed it for a very long time.

So he take this opportunity and planned this escape.

He tiptoes the entire hallway and walks towards his parents room. He could hear the snoring sounds of his parents.

Standing there with his backpack and clutching the straps hardly, The male feels bad for his mother.

In this household, if anyone loved him for his whole life, it was only his mother and it makes the younger guilty for letting the female go.

He'll be the cause of her tears when he'll be gone and it makes him teary too.

If anyone will be worried after becoming aware of his departure, it'll be only his mother.

His will be just worried about his reputation and loss of their company.

The grey haired boy atlast wipes his few tears which rolls down without even knowing and slips a letter under the door.

He knows his mother will be the first one to wake up and she will get it, and it is basically for her to know only.

The male again moves away and this time walks towards the stairs.

Again tiptoeing, he comes down the stairs, walks towards the main door of the mansion.

The shaking feeling can be seen even in his shadow but he stays strong.

Today is the day. I have to be strong!

He thinks as he steps out of the big mansion, in the moon light.

Atlast out of the hell!

The very haired boy slowly running to the main big gate of the mansion which is basically his house, pants but never stopping. He doesn't want to get caught or get back the place. Ever again.

Atlast when he is out of the main gate, and out of the CCTV camera's area he stops and pants heavily.

Clutching his heart, he looks around and decides where to run.

He doesn't have any place to go or doesn't have any friend in his hometown but he has no choice now.

He has to run.

And so he does.

He runs, runs and runs until he is out of breath, out of the area, out of the power of his father over him.

Towards his freedom.

Towards his new life.

It is hard to run with a heavy bag but he does.

He won't stop until something happens to his life.

Until his freedom himself stops him.

And his freedom comes and stops him.

In the form of a Man.


Hello everyone 🖐️🖐️🖐️🖐️

I hope everyone is doing well. Be safe along with your family.

I think everyone can understand about whom this chapter is. I hope everyone like this small chapter.

Do comment on it and like, share the share.

Thanks for reading

I purple you all 💜💜

Have a brighter day and peaceful night

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