Audience with the Emperor

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One day at second floor of the Imperial Palace of Gregminster, Tir McDohl and his father Teo McDohl waiting for audience with the Emperor.

Teo: "What's the matter, Tir? Are you nervous? Don't worry, the audience will be finished quickly. Just be the way you always are. The Emperor is stern, but there's nothing to be afraid of." Teo said to Tir calmly.

Tir: "Of course I am very nervous, I will meet the Emperor, I hope I do not disappoint." Tir who was nervous because this was his first day meeting with the emperor.

A secretary from the officer came to them.

Woman: "Master Teo, Master Tir. The Emperor will receive you now. Please come this way." Woman leads the pair to the throne room.

Woman: "Teo McDohl, General of the Imperial Army and his son Tir McDohl, Here for an audience with the Emperor. " and the woman left them to talk to the emperor.

 " and the woman left them to talk to the emperor

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Barbarossa: "Welcome, Teo. How are things?" Barbarossa welcomed them warmly.

Teo: "Much as they were when we fought together in the War of Succession, Your Highness." while saluting the emperor, Teo replied.

Barbarossa: "Impressive words. Do you not agree, Windy?"

Windy: "Indeed, they are the words of a great general." Windy replied.

Barbarossa: "Teo, I am sure you are aware of the troubling activity in the north. Would you be willing to travel there to protect the border? "

Then the minister came, telling the emperor something.

Minister: "Our disputes with the United City-States of Jowston are complicated, but with General McDohl in charge, we can rest assured."

Barbarossa: "My beloved sword Prakk has brought me luck on countless occasions. I would like you to have it. Take it with you." Barbarosa hands Teo a sword.

Teo: "Thank you, Your Highness. I, Teo, swear not to disappoint you."

Barbarossa: "You have my blessings. Good luck, Teo." Barbarossa bless Teo.

Tir approaches the Emperor.

Barbarossa: "So you're Teo's boy Tir. Quite an impressive little countenance. Listen, Tir. Would you be willing to give the Empire a helping hand while your father is protecting the northern border?"

Tir: "Yes, Your Highness." Tir replied.

Barbarossa: "Ha, ha! Like father, like son. Listen, Tir. Someday, you will follow the path of your own choosing. But for now, you have a great deal to learn from me. Plenty of time for freedom later." Barbarossa laughed.

Barbarossa: "You already resemble your father. I shall look forward to seeing you grow into manhood."

Teo: "Thank you for your kind words, Your Highness." Teo replied.

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