Chapter 1 - Here comes the rain again

Start from the beginning

Mr. Brunner may be a kind human being. He is younger than the principal of my old school and is wearing a blue suit and a white shirt, and even though his clothing seems a bit stiff, he has warm brown eyes and a wide honest smile.
If I wouldn't know that he is looking at me, I'd actually think he is pleased by what now hurries to take a seat at one of the uncomfortable plastic chairs in front of his desk.

"Welcome to Belleville, Frank. I hope that the coming years you'll spend here won't be too bad, and it would be great if you would also learn something. I want you to know that we have three liaison teachers and also a school psychologist, and in case you have any problems, feel free to contact me or them. You find all the telephone numbers in this info brochure."
I nod absently and try to look like I am actually interested in what the principal explains.
After what seems like an eternity, Mr Brunner pauses his monologue with an expecting expression. "Mr. Crew is having french lessons in room 57 at the moment, as your guide for today he will show you around the school, follow the left corridor. You can't miss it. Have a nice day!"
I stand up and force myself to smile at the man behind the desk full of paperworks, although my mind is full of questions.

57, that should be the right room. I knock shyly. Nothing happens. I knock again, louder this time.
A woman in a grey skirt opens the door "Oui, qu'est-ce qu'il y a?"
I stare at her like a deer would stare at his hunter. "Uhm, excusez-moi, I am searching for-" Fuck, I don't even know his name.
"Moi, Madame! Je crois qu'il est Frank Iero." a skinny guy with messy blond hair and a strange looking hoodie says.
"Yeah, that's right, I am Frank Iero." I manage to confirm.
"I am his prefect." Oooh, there we go, I start to understand why I am standing in this class.
"Oui, d'accord, Clancy tu peux venir avec Frank, mais n'oublie pas de faire tes devoirs."
The teacher gives the kid a severe look and continues to torture the other students with some grammar lessons.

The friendly looking guy shuts the door of room 57 behind us. He quickly turns to me and reaches out his hand, "Hi, I'm Clance, nice to meet you! Oh, and thanks for saving me from french, I owe you something, man-" he introduces himself. Not many people have been nice to me or even wanted to start a conversation in a long time, so I only lift my hand slowly to get dragged in a strong handshake of his.

" already know my name, don't ya?", I try to get this conversation going but it's not going so well, so I just shut my mouth and stare at the dirty and sticky schoolfloor.

Clancy answers with a short "haha" but then continues to explain the history of this school and also some facts about himself...okay he explains more than just some facts about him, he basically tells me his whole life-story with some bonus-material, which apparently no one knows about him.

He starts to give me a short tour of the school, gesturing with his hands while talking. I try to figure out what kind of boy he probably is. His tanned skin looks strange in combination with the light blue eyes. He is definitely handsome, but not in the average crush boy kind of way.

Meanwhile, Clancy has started to explain me the "school-hierarchy" as he calls it.

"So, there are different groupes, some kids fit in more than one, but I'm sure you'll figure out which is yours fast enough. I, for example, am the classic nerd. I think I'm neither popular nor unpopular, just somewhere in the middle. If you want to, I'll introduce you to Del, Ruby and Sal later."
He stops and I feel like I should do something. "Uhm, yeah that'd be nice."

Clance smiles "Great, so you should know that some of the popular kids, especially the asshole Gerard Way, tend to be a bit, well, harsh to the new ones. Not to all, but you should be prepared."
He pauses and looks me straigt in the eyes "By the way, I really like your lip piercing. Did it hurt much?"
I'm starting to like the kid.

But before I get the chance to figure out an appropriate answer to that, the bell rings. It's the loudest ding dong I've ever heard - but I will have to get used to this now.

Clancy looks pleased as he hands me my timetable which is colored in bright colors like red and an ugly yellow. Because of the paper in my hands I figure out that my next and first lesson here is english in room 69.

Before I can ask any questions about where to go or what time it is, Clancy only points in the direction behind my back and adds "good luck and...have fun".

I step into a room with many maps of the world and the american flag hanging on the wall. I suppose this is the right room.

I take a seat in the back of the classroom and start to doodle random things on my arm, but then the teacher interrupts my magnificent artwork with a loud, but at the same time calming voice.
He introduces himself as Mr. Anderson and explains what we will work on in this year. I actually hate the subject english due to too much analysis of old books no one likes, but I think this year it won't be too bad.

Turns out Mr. Anderson is really humorous and friendly to all of his students. But I eventually fail to pay attention to what he is saying, so I analyse my class instead.

In front of me I can see a group of girls with short dresses and hair completely convered in pink hairclips. I can identify them as the bitches of my class. One of them suddently turns around to face me. I stare at her with my eyes wide open but my head refuses to look in another direction. Finally she turns around, but to judge her disgusted facial impression she doesn't think I'm a nice guy to hang out with.

On the left side of the room I spot some boys who sketch fancy cars and multifuctional military jets. Seems kinda cool to me, however I guess these are the geeks Clancy told me about. They don't even pay attention to my intense staring.

On the opposite side I eyeball a mixed group of students who are paying attention to the teacher and give him excellent answers to asked questions. So of course there is no time for them to turn to me - a dumb human being sitting in their english class.

Eventually, the school day ends and I manage to find my locker, so I can stuff all the new and heavy school books inside.
For a first day, this went better than I thought.

As I head for the bus station, I nearly bump into some kids. They are kinda blocking my way, and I try to walk around them, but they copy my movements.
I look up from the pavement to see about four guys and also some girls with mean smiles in their fucking faces.

-"Look, a small vampire, Gee"

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