Chapter 2

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"Let's get your stuff outta the truck and get you guys settled," paw-paw says with a kind smile, but I can tell it's forced. "We're gonna need the paperwork, too, so we can file it with our lawyer, and keep a copy here."

Nodding, I place Emery on his feet with a tired smile as the five of us grab all the bags from the bed of the truck. Walking into the house, and as we walk through the house, I notice four very sexy men eating breakfast at the large kitchen table. One in particular stands out to me - he has raven black hair underneath his black cowboy hat, piercing blue eyes, athletic build and a nice complexion. The other three men are beautiful but that man is the most beautiful man I have ever seen in my life. One has dark brown hair that is cut very short, with hazel eyes, slight muscular build, and olive complexion. The other two men are absolutely identical in appearance, so my assumption is they are twins. They have black hair, dark brown eyes, dark brown facial hair, and holy fuck are they muscular. I swear they probably could break me in half without even trying. 

Once we've place our bags in one room that has three twin beds, paw-paw introduces all of us; "Alright, these are our ranch-hands, whom without this place wouldn't run as it does. This is the foreman, Aspen Carter, next to him is Tenysi Lee, and brothers, Rowan and Rebel Owens. Gentlemen, these are our granson's Echo and Emery, and Echo's best friend, Carson Jones. They're going to be living and helping here until further notice."

Hmm, uber sexy man is Aspen, which is a very fitting name for the aurora he gives off - in control, and very down to earth. 

We sit down at the table to have breakfast at papa's request, so  I make Emery a plate of food after greeting the men when I hear one of the men ask; "Is your name really Echo?"

Glancing up from Emery, I realize Tenysi is the one who asked; "Yeah it is, why?" 

"No reason, just that it's an unusual name is all," he shrugs, and I notice Aspen watching me with calculated eyes. 

Nodding my head at him since I'm unsure how to answer him, and my focus is pulled back to Emery when he innocently asks as he wearily looks at the big men; "They're not going to hit you like Kyle are they?" 

"No buddy, they're not," I gently tell him while swiping his hair from his eyes with a soft smile. 

"Okay, do I have to go back to mum and Kyle's?" he asks blinking his wide green eyes at me in fear. 

"Nope, we get to stay here with papa and paw-paw," I grin happily. "Now, eat your breakfast that I'm sure papa cooked."

I can feel eyes burning holes into the side of my head, and I look through my hair at everyone, and everyone but Carson and Emery are looking at me in shock. Ducking my head, I fidget in my seat as I fiddle with the hem of my shirt. Everyone thankfully starts talking as I stare down at my plate that papa placed in front of me with more food than I could possibly eat in one sitting. My eyes start fluttering shut as I come down from my adrenaline rush, and only sleeping a few hours on the ride here. 

When a large hand lands on my right shoulder, I jump as I snap my head up; "Huh?" 

"Go up to bed and sleep for a few hours," paw-paw gently says. "Someone will wake you by 11 a.m."

Giving my food to Carson and Emery, I take my plate and glass to the kitchen to wash later with the rest of the dirty dishes. Heading upstairs I change out of my clothes into work clothes before heading back downstairs as everyone finishes their food. 

"What are my jobs?" I ask paw-paw and papa.

"Echo, you need to let your body rest a few days before working," papa gently scolds with worried eyes. 

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