Chapter 6

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Me and Aaron had been dating for almost two years by this point but I did not expect what would happen next. At midnight of 2015, he kissed me and told me to close my eyes and turn around when he finally said I could open them again he was down on one knee and had a bunch of roses in his arms and said the words "Esme I love you and want to spend the rest of my life with you, will you marry me?" Of course I said yes, the ring was beautiful, and I turned around to look at the crowd that had formed around us and in the distance I see my Aunt Kate holding her famous brownies and double chocolate chip ice cream, AUNT KATE! I scream and jump into her arms, what are you doing here I asked her and she said she couldn't miss this big day.
Both of us had a lot of catching up to do so we met up for lunch on New Year's Day to spill everything we had missed over the last 6 months of not seeing each other.
Wedding prep had began, me and Aaron had a few dates in mind but had to check they wouldn't clash with any runway shows, I knew exactly what I wanted for my wedding, a baby pink and white theme, the bridesmaids would all the wearing varying dresses all different shades pink and all slightly different and all the grooms men would be wearing all black suits with Aaron in a white tux, to stand out from the rest, my dress was going to be white and have a really long lace veil, it was a strapless dress and had sequins all over it. On the inside of the dress I got a piece of Mums wedding dress sewn into it to make sure she was their for my big day.
Date, venue, invitations and food was all sorted we just needed the rings, we both went with a simple silver wedding bands, mine had little diamonds in all the way around where his was just plain.
Summer, Dad, Kate, Ava and summers parents all flew out a few days before the big day to make sure they weren't jet lagged and ended up going to sleep at 9 o'clock.

The girl with a dream Donde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora