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September 28th 2018, Friday

Elsa couldn't believe her dad was still thinking of throwing a party. She paced back and forth, her mind racing on how to handle the mission while everyone in the house was happily anticipating the party or inauguration. She glanced at Rex with a raised eyebrow, restraining herself from saying something regrettable.

"It's very hard not to pace with all that's going on. Dad decides to throw a party to reduce tension; that's just so odd," Elsa mumbled, hugging herself as she sat on a chair near Rex. She felt like a stranger in her own life, wondering how she ended up here. Looking straight ahead, she decided she needed sleep.

Standing up from the chair on the veranda where everyone was seated, Elsa declared, "I think I will call it a day." Zoe suggested dinner, but Elsa opted to get something from her kitchen.

"Okay, I will stay with you then. Elsa, Veronica, and I will do a Netflix, ice cream crying session," Zoe proposed.

Elsa burst into laughter. "Did I ever tell you that I love you?" Zoe asked.

"No, but I am straight," Elsa replied, and they all laughed.

"Elsa," Rex called.

"Take care of yourself, your mental health," he advised with a smile. Elsa appreciated Rex's sensible words as they headed to the elevator.

Veronica: Did you think

Elsa and Zoe: Ah!!!!! (In fear)

Zoe: V. You scared me (Zoe placed her right hand on her chest to ease her breathing)

Elsa: Me too, why didn't you talk?

Veronica: I didn't know what to say? I wasn't sure I had anything to say

Zoe: Is it because you had a rough past? (Veronica stared at Zoe emotionlessly, V. shifted uncomfortably)

Veronica: Not really, but I am good. Do you think they did it to get to know more secrets about them?

Elsa: That is very possible (Zoe and I had been racking our brains on what was going on in this house, and now that V. said this, I was getting anxious)

Zoe: What if they try anything?

Veronica: XINT-Men would never allow that.

Zoe: That is true. I will get cookies, cups, ice cream, and spoons from the kitchen

Elsa: (I dropped on my king-size bed, wondering what Rex was doing now. I wondered if Kimberly had already won. I wondered if Dad still trusted me. Was it because of the incident on the bus that made him not involve me? I was really getting frustrated, tired, and helpless)

Veronica: The more you think, the more you get anxious. Give yourself a break, girl (she sat with her legs crossed, this woman was one sophisticated lady; her pose was just too accurate). What had you done for yourself that month that didn't involve your family?

Elsa: Prayed?

Veronica: (she slapped her hand on her head) That sounds more like a question to me, and that is pathetic—not you praying, though. But you were a billionaire's daughter. You had class compared to Kimberly; you were smart and got killer looks. You had a loving family and a guy ready to die for you. Babe, get a dress for the party, make a grand entrance, and drop jaws

Elsa: (I sat upright, and my jaw dropped. I slapped myself to be sure it was V. talking, not Zoe) V?

Zoe: She talks, just she can be the worst roommate in the world!!! (Zoe screamed)

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