Chapter 2

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Percy's mind was all over the place as he tried to keep his emotions in check. He didn't just fight a war for the gods for them to call him a traitor. He didn't notice Apollo coming near him until he was right in front of him. "You okay cus?" Apollo asked just as Thalia lumped into the room with the help of Annabeth and Nico, who looked a little beat up. Apollo placed his hand on his arm as a light began to glow from them making Percy cuts and bruises disappear. "I'm fine. Thanks" he said as he cleared his throat. Once he healed Percy he did the same for the others. Before going back to his throne, he summoned a chairs for the demigods and Grover. Zeus waited until Apollo sat on his throne before starting the meeting.

" Now Perseus Jackson. Aphrodite said you loved the traitor Luke, is that true ?" Zeus said as his voice held power. "yes but I'm not a traitor. There has to be some way that I can show you" he said glaring at the king of the gods. Thalia looked at Percy as the gods talked quietly among themselves. She didn't know that Luke and Percy were even friends but to think they were lovers makes sense now. She alway thought it was weird how much Percy was affected by Luke. "We came up with an idea but you probably won't like it" Poseidon said, since he didn't want to invade his son's privacy. "I dont care as long as you know I wouldn't betray my friends." Percy said. "Good because you don't have much of a say. We'll get Iris to look into your memories with Luke" Zeus said as he summoned Iris. "You called me my Lord. What can I do for you?" She asked. "Show us Percy memories of him and Luke" Zeus demanded. Iris nodded her head and walked over to Percy, who was tense and had his hands clenched by his side. "When I touch your forehead it is only going to show memories that you find important "Iris said as she made a stream of mist and touched Percy's forehead.

The first clip of memories started when Percy first arrived at camp. Annabeth took Percy to the Hermes cabin where he met Luke. Percy blushed when he first saw Luke, he thought he had pretty blues eyes and the scar on his face made him look handsome. More images went by of Luke training with Percy and how Luke was the only one not ignoring Percy when he was claimed. Then it shows Luke giving Percy the flying shoes as he left for his first quest before stopping on a memory. Luke was leading Percy to a creek in the woods. They sat together drinking coca-Cola as Luke skipped some rocks in the Creek. "I wish I met you before" Luke said, looking at the water in front of them. "Why?" Percy asked confused as he looked at Luke. "I'm going to be doing something stupid" Luke said as he stood up and pulled out backbiter while pointing it at Percy" This is my new weapon it can hurt mortals, demigods and gods" he explains as Percy stumble up "why would you need something like that ?" Percy asked. "Because it is time for someone new to rule. Join me Percy, I don't want you in the crossfire." Luke said, lowering backbiter. "I can't Luke the gods and everyone here is family" Percy said. "Some family this is, they only use us when they need something. Percy don't be the pawn" Luke scoffed.  Luke signed softly as he called a pit scorpion from the dirt. It slowly climbed up Percy's leg "I wouldn't  move unless you want to die in sixty seconds after it stings you" Luke said. "Why are you doing this ?" Percy asked but Luke already left. Percy pulled out riptide and cut the scorpion  to kill it while being stung in the process.
The memory ended with Percy passing out in the tree line.
Percy subconsciously rubbed the faint scar on his hand from the scorpion. Another memory started to play in the mist.

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