Chapter 21

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Zane POV

It has officially been two years since the battle and four since we lost our pups. It still hurts, but we are slowly moving forward, but never forgetting. We always go and visit them for hours. I am currently at the training arena with the warriors when I hear several screams and crying from inside the pack house, myself and the warriors run into the house and I see my mother holding my mate who is a sobbing mess on the stairs and I run over to him picking up and setting him down on the dining table checking for injuries and my mom shakes her head laughing some and I raise an eyebrow at her. "Anyone want to tell me why my mate is crying so hard he cannot talk to me?" my mother comes over to me and puts her hand on my shoulder handing me two pregnancy sticks. "Ty is pregnant Zane." I look down quickly at my mate and he nods his head clinging to me as we both break down causing other members to join in. This is a fucking miracle and this time nothing is going to harm our babies.


I can't believe I'm pregnant again! I am so happy that we finally will get to have sweet pups and be able to see them grow up. Zane has been extremely clingy since I told him I was pregant this morning , but I really don't care because I am loving every second of it. I did feel a little lonely however when he left with his mother and father to run a few errands, but Leo stayed behind with me and we played a few board games and video games with a few of the other members having a great time. They were gone for about an hour or so and when the front door opened I only saw momma Aria and Dylan. "Where is Zane?" Dylan laughs softly and points to the backyard, but before I can go back I am drug upstairs by Momma Aria and she sits in my room forcing me to take a shower. When I come out I get dressed in skinny jeans and a tank top and she drags me back down the stairs and pulls me outside in the backyard after putting a blindfold on me. I groan playfully and whine "Momma Aria what the hell is going on?" she just laughs and pulls it off and I gasp looking around.. there is a path of rose petals leading a bit farther into the woods. "Come on child let's go." She takes my arm and Dylan and Leo walks up beside me as we all walk into the woods following the path to a beautiful field next to a waterfall, the bushes also have rose petals on them and I look closer to the water seeing my mate in jeans and a black dress shirt that clings to his body, I run towards him and into his arms where he pulls me close to him gently kissing my lips. I stare at him and my eyes widen as I watch him go down on one knee.

Zane POV

I get nervous when I see Ty running towards me. I pull him against me and kiss him before slowly getting down on one knee. Seeing his eyes almost bug out of his head made me laugh softly and shake my head at him. I take his left hand in mine and look up at him. "Ty, we have been through so much bullshit together. We have had our good and bad days, more bad at times, but instead of those bad times breaking us down, they made us stronger. I love you and our lost pups and now our unborn pups more than anything in this world, and I can't see my life without you or them. Ty, you are an amazing man with a big heart and I thank the moon goddess every single day for giving you to me. I never knew that you were what I needed in my life to push forward. I gave up on looking for my mate.. but then, there you were and it's like my entire life started coming together. Ty, will you make me the happiest Alpha in the world and marry me?" I look up at my sweet mate who has tears pouring down his face and I smile softly. He looks at me with his mouth open for the longest time and then he snaps out of it and shakes his head and yells "Yes!! Yes I will marry you Zane!!" I grab my beautiful mate in my arms and spin him around after placing the ring on his finger, getting cheers from my family. I laugh at my mate when he squeals and runs over to my mother showing her the ring and they both start jumping up and down. My father comes and slaps my back gently. "Look at you, my son. All grown up and engaged, expecting children. You have changed that boys life for the better. I am so proud of you." I look at my father and wipe the tears from my cheek as he pulls me into a hug. "Thanks dad. That means so much to me." After things settled a bit we made it back up to the pack house in which Ty ran around like a crazy person telling the entire pack and showing off his ring. I can't believe I am going to marry that crazy man one day.


I am currently nine months pregnant and fucking miserable. Does it have to be so hot today?! Jesus fucking christ. I sit up in bed and look over to my still sleeping mate and I look at our matching silver bands with a diamond in the middle smiling to myself. We had our wedding when I was six months pregnant because we wanted to be married before the babies came. We are having a little boy and a little girl. We decided to name them Mia Aria King after the woman who raised me and I called mom and the name of Zane's mother for the middle name and for our son we decided on Dalton James King. I smile again thinking about our sweet babies and I slowly get up from the bed and waddle over to my dresser putting on sweatpants and a tank top heading downstairs holding onto my stomach, when I hit the bottom of the stairs I am greeted by some pack members. I start getting a little uncomfortable and I waddle towards the couch, but before I can make it I groan loudly cupping my stomach, Leo runs and gets Zane who is downstairs shirtless in sweatpants within seconds. He holds onto me and I groan again loudly sinking my finger nails into his arm. "Fuck this hurts so bad. I think im in labor Zane." I look up at him and his eyes are glossed over for a few seconds and his mother and father come rushing into the house. "What's wrong baby?" Aria gently strokes my cheek and I look at her "I think I'm..." I scream loudly as a puddle forms around my feet and the back of my sweatpants become soaked and I jerk my head up "My water just broke!" Everyone starts running around rushing me into the hospital wing and getting me all set up for a C section. When everything is situated and Aria and Dylan get finished setting up, Zane stands beside me holding my hand. I let them know that I am completely numb and they put up a curtain and start with the surgery while Zane talks to me to keep me from thinking about it too much. I can feel alot of pulling, but it doesn't hurt it's just uncomfortable.

Zane POV

After some time of looking down at my beautiful mate, My mother pulls out our baby boy and he starts crying. He is an Alpha for sure with his size. I smile happily, tears coming down my cheeks. I cut the cord and mom cleans him up while dad does the same for our daughter. She is smaller, an Omega like her mother Ty, but I don't care. I am just happy to have two healthy babies. Once they are cleaned up and Ty is all stitched up and stapled my mother hands him both babies and they do skin on skin contact to help with the bond. My sweet mate is crying as he kisses our babies repeatedly and I can't help, but stare down at my perfect family and I still wonder how in the hell I got so lucky. A perfect mate and even more perfect pups. My mother and father join us after some time and bundles them up in a cute pink and blue blanket. I hold them both and walk out while Ty rests to show the pack members the new additions. Everyone coos over our beautiful babies and sends congratulations. Leo walks over to me and I smile at him "Leo meet your niece Mia and nephew Dalton." he smiles at me like a fool and takes both of them holding them looking at them lovingly. "Zane they are so cute... Mia looks alot like Ty and Dalton favors you more. They are amazing and Uncle Leo can't wait to spoil you both and annoy your momma and daddy." We both laugh and I take both of them into the room and lay them both in the small little cribs letting them sleep while I curl up against my sleeping mate. My life can't get any better. Thank you moon goddess for giving me a family of my own to take care of for the rest of my life.


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