Chapter 20

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After getting back to the pack house after being made to stay for two more days in the hospital wing, I went out to the garden where they buried our pups together. I kneel down putting my hand gently against the ground and I start sobbing and crying. We decided to name them Kane and Dane. I crawl between the little graves and I lay down hugging the tiny tombstones getting out all of the pent up anger and pain. I never even got to hold them or see them other than the sonogram photos. The pack members always respected me and left me alone when I would go and visit my babies. "I will get revenge for you my babies, I promise. I will kill him for taking you to away from me and your daddy." My voice breaks as I continue talking to my pups about random things until its dark out. I shift into my wolf and curl up around them closing my eyes. I open my eyes quickly to see Zane in his wolf form curling up around me and our babies. I look up at him whimpering and he nuzzles his head against mine before I lay my head on his legs falling asleep.

Zane POV

I looked all around the house for my mate. I didn't see him, but Leo came up to me sadly and told me that Ty has been with the boys all day. I nod my head and I walk out to the garden seeing my mate in his wolf form, his body wrapped around our babies tombstones. I felt my heart break all over again. I can't stand seeing my mate like this. I shift and walk over to him, he looks up at me and I curl around him, he looks up and whimpers, so I nuzzle against him as he falls asleep on the ground. I have pack members including myself looking for that prick so that he can pay for what he's done. I finally allow myself to get some sleep. When I open my eyes again, my mate is still sleeping and Leo comes tearing out of the house "Alpha! Luna! We found him!" We both wake up and Ty starts glowing and growling before shifting into his human form surprisingly in shorts. "Where is he?! Tell me NOW!!" Ty's voice booms throughout the pack land, everyone goes silent. "He is back at his original pack house a couple hours away." I nod at him " Get everyone ready to follow Ty and I to get revenge for our pups. Have them hurry the fuck up. This ends today!" Leo nods his head and I grab Ty hugging him close to me before we both run inside the house to get changed and wait for the pack members to be ready.


Once everyone, and I do mean every single pack member and teenager minus a few who are staying back to watch the others pups, are all in the front yard I step forward and they bow their heads at the power radiating angrily from my body. "Today we go into battle to end the life of Calvin Sanders. He killed my and your Alphas pups and almost took my life as well. It is time for his life to come to an end! I want him torn limb from limb along with his entire pack! If you see Amelia she also dies. She betrayed this pack. She poisoned my food and drink for riches promised by Calvin." They break out into an uproar of angry growls and snarls even though they are in human form right now. "We are leaving now. We may not all come back, but we fight and die for this pack! We do not leave until they are obliterated!" cheers come from all of them, I close my eyes making my body glow as I shift into my wolf, followed by the rest of the pack and Zane. I know that my mate is Alpha, but they respect me as Luna and Zane gave me full control over this.

I turn towards the woods and take off running, the pack following close behind howling angrily as we head towards Calvin's old pack home. It takes us a couple of hours to get there, but once we get on the land Calvin is waiting with his own group and I look him dead in the eyes and howl loudly and viviously as my pack begins the attack. I head straight for Calvin and we start fighting each other. He bites into my leg and I whimper, but I kick him off of me, my right eye glowing brightly. We circle each other and he lunges at me. I grab him by his neck throwing him into a rock across the field of the pack house. I leave him be as I run to mate who was being pinned down. I take the wolf in my teeth ripping his throat out without remorse, I touch noses with Zane and turn back to Calvin. He slams into my side hard knocking the air out of me and claws down my chest causing me to shift human, I kick him again and crawl out from under him and I close my eyes seeing him run at me and I yell into the air "Fire phoenix!" The ground starts shaking temporarily ending the fight as my body is engulfed in flames changing back into my wolf. I have the wings of a fire phoenix and all of his powers, I open my mouth shooting fire towards some of Calvins pack members turning them to nothing but ash. The fight gets bloody as members from both packs fall to the ground in death without it stopping. He has lost more members than we have and he gets another good hit on me knocking me down but I howl deeper and slightly in a demonic way as the ground starts once again shaking, but it starts opening up this time as a hell hound appears from the pits of hell joining in on the battle which I learned after passing out from pain, my mother, the moon goddess, taught me about my powers and how to use them. I howl again summoning the spirits of those lost.

After two hours of a massive battle my pack loses around ten members to all of Calvin's, but himself. My pack circles around me and Calvin and we start fighting again, my mate watching intensly, his eyes fierce. All that can be heard around the battle field is snarling, growling and teeth snapping together. We both are bloody and tired, but Calvin fucked up getting too close to another pack member who sinks his teeth into his leg and tosses him near me. I look down at him and flash my eyes, he looks terrified and shifts human so I do the same. "Come on Calvin giving up already." he smirks and shakes his head "No Ty I'm not. I just want to fight like this so that I can see your mates face when he loses you like he did his pups." I hear aggressive growls from all the pack members and I lunge forward swinging at Calvin, but he dodges it. We keep taking swings at each other the hell hound and lost souls make their way back home. I grab him by his throat and drag him over to my mate dropping Calvin in front of him. "Finish him Zane. Join in the fun. Make this fucker pay for killing our babies." he growls deeply and I back up against Momma Aria as she's still in wolf form and howls break out as Zane leans down ripping out Calvin's throat, his blood shooting out of his neck and disgusting gurgles leave his throat before he finally bleeds out. I shift back to my wolf and we all start heading back home. Did fighting and killing Calvin and his pack bring our pups back? No. but it sure felt fucking great to end his life and not have to worry about him any longer. After months of searching high and low for Amelia, she was found hiding states away in a mansion styled house and was swiftly removed from it and brought back to our pack house. I wanted her to suffer so I stuck her down in the basement cells. She was tortured everyday, slowly for months before finally dying from the pain and blood loss.

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