"Then I'll just use the obedience collars on them a couple of jolts from those should set them straight." Vic said nonchalantly.

"Better be careful doc if that new gladiator finds out about you using those collars on them he's likely to come kill you." The second guard said.

"I highly doubt that besides even if he escaped there's a plethora of people with guns between him and me. If anything he'll probably be gunned down before he could get anywhere close to me." Vic said so sure of the security of the complex to protect him.

Keep telling yourself that doc. I thought as I continued to observe Vic.

"Now I've got plenty of work to do so you can either stay here and help or wait outside." Vic

"We'll guard the door." One guard said as they both left the room.

As easy as it would be to kill this guy it would attract unwanted attention I'll have to get the girls out later. I thought before my tendril continued on through the vent until I was outside the room. I saw the guards through another vent cover and decided to listen in never know they might say something useful.

"You think we'll be able to have a little fun with those two before max decides what he wants done with them?" The first guard said

"Sir that's fucked up." The second guard now identified as his subordinate said

"What who's to say our new gladiator hasn't already done that I mean they were pretty attached to him."

"No thanks last thing I want is to get infected just because I stuck my dick in sickly."

"Suite yourself but everyone needs a little stress relief now and then besides we got condoms so I'm pretty sure we're good."

Congratulations Vic this guy just took your spot on my list. I thought fighting every urge I had to kill this guy. Instead of causing a scene I had my tendril slither away from that section of the facility. 

It didn't take long for my tendril to find another vent this one leading into the armory. Looking through there didn't seem to be anyone around. Seeing no one inside I had my tendril rip through the vent cover and entered the room. I had another look around the room to check for any cameras but none were there.

There's my stuff hmmm I can't just take it back they'll know somethings up I guess I'll just take some stuff back with me and leave the rest here. I thought before my tendril went over to my storage cubes and started swallowing some of the objects inside before returning to the vent and leaving.

My tendril slithered through the ventilation system until it came pass another room peeking through the vent cover I found out it was the basement and I could see all the machines keeping this place running.

I think I can use these machines but I'll need certain materials before that. I thought before deciding I've searched the place enough for one night and started to retract my tendril. Once it was back at the cells I had it spit back up what it had taken from the armory.

"What's that you got there?" Louis asked.

"Some of my things I was able to smuggle out of their armory." I said looking over my recovered items.

"What did you get?" Bill asked

"Just two things and a few things for the second also Zoey put this on press the button on the center and don't freak out." I said as my tendril gave Zoey the device.

Looking confused for a moment she looked to the others for their reactions but they could only give her a confused shrug. Having nothing to lose Zoey had followed my instructions putting the device on her chest and pressing the button. Upon pressing the button a dark blue liquid like substance covered Zoey's body. She was about to start panicking before remembering that y/n had instructed her to not freak out so she tried to calm herself as best she could. Soon the liquid like substance stopped before solidifying onto her body.

"What happened what is this stuff?" Zoey asked as she looked at herself.

"It's an armor made of nano-fiber it adapts to the body it's on." I said

"How tough is this thing?" Zoey asked poking the armor on her arm.

"It's still in testing but I'd say tough enough for you to take gunfire not strong enough to take on a tank. If you want it off say deactivate or press the button again. Here one of you can use this just be careful with the ammo." I said before having my tendril hand them a revolver and ammo.

"Deactivate." Zoey said and the armor returned to a liquid like substance before returning back into the device.

"Now that's pretty cool." Zoey said putting the device in her hoodie pocket.

"Why's the chamber and ammonium glowing?" Francis asked as he took the gun while Bill took the ammo.

"Simple that's liquid nitrogen in there." I said

"Are you serious?" Bill asked as he looked down at the ammunition in his hands.

"Yep that revolver shoots icicles anything it hits will be encased in ice." I said proudly as Francis admired the firearm.

"Don't get to attached to those I'm only letting you keep them until we're out of this mess." I said

"You already have a plan to get us out?" Louis asked

"Yep." I said as I fixed the vent cover to look like nothing happened to it.

"Okay so what's the plan soldier?" Bill asked.

"I'll tell you once I've got all the materials ready." I said while moving the creat in my cell in front of the vent.

"Are you sure this plan of your will even work." Francis asked doubtful of my supposed plan.

"Let's just say in a week or two you'll get a front row seat on why making an enemy of me or my friends is the worst mistakes you could ever make in your very very short life." I said as my tendril smiled at them.

The nano armor

The nano armor

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