"He talks to me so easily though?"

"It's because you are special to him. I really don't think he should marry some royalty he's going to be really uncomfortable with, do you?" Renjun raised his eyebrows.

"No, but I'm scared too. I'm scared to marry him and have it not work out. I'm scared, and I think he deserves better than that."

"Chenle." Renjun put a hand on Chenle's shoulder. "Jisung is scared too. Who wouldn't be? He's less scared of marrying you than a stranger though."


"Chenle, you and Jisung aren't Romeo and Juliet. You have it so simple. All you need to do is say yes! There's no one against you being together. How is it that you even feel about him?"

"I adore him! He's the sweetest and realest person I've ever met. He's my favorite person. He's gentle and kind and a cute mess of goodness. I just... I'm not enough." Chenle felt his tears prick his eyes. It was all true. He felt like he'd be okay spending a lifetime with Jisung if all remained the way it was, comforting nights and peaceful days. He would be miserable though if Jisung ended up treating him like everyone else has.

"Isn't this love at first sight?" Renjun laughed.

"What does he even feel? What if he treats me like how I've always been treated. I'm done with people hurting me."

"Are you serious?" Renjun laughed in disbelief. "Do you really believe he would do that? I'll beat him myself if he ever even tried. Have a little faith in Jisung. I know you see his goodness."

"Well of course, everyone is good. That doesn't mean people don't do bad things suddenly."

Chenle heard another groan from Donghyuk. He had almost forgotten they were present. He looked very impatient. He probably couldn't understand what was going on.

"What now?" Renjun asked him.

"This is taking way longer than it needs to." Donghyuk walked up to Chenle and shook his shoulders. "Listen to me, you two are going to be very happy if you just marry the boy. If you're able to be such good friends right away with no issues, then you can definitely make a marriage work. Every marriage has issues anyway, but you two could probably deal with them easier than most. Chenle, I love you as a brother and so does Jaemin. We know you are the most sweetest person we know. I know you're still unsure about marriage because of what it did to our parents, but think about your old parents. Weren't they the most happiest couple ever? You could recreate that! Stop feeling sorry for yourself. Stop being so hard on yourself. Stop being so selfless for once and do what you want!"

Chenle started crying.

"Look what you did now!" Jaemin whined and pushed Donghyuk aside to hug Chenle tightly to his stomach, since Chenle was still sitting on the bed. He played with the blonde locks of hair to calm the sobbing boy. "He's right though, Chenle. Even if he did say it too harshly." Jaemin had a nicer tone. Chenle knew that Donghyuk's tone was necessary though. 

"I know!" Chenle cried out into Jaemin's chest and pulled him tighter to himself.

They all chuckled softly at the cute boy. Chenle kept on sobbing and crying. It seems he had built up his tears for this moment. He cried into Jaemin's shirt, leaving it wet with tears, but he was allowed too. Jaemin definitely believed he deserved to be kicked in the stomach than just a soggy shirt for how he had treated Chenle in the past.

"What do I do? Isn't he choosing another person now?" Chenle sniffled.

"He is actually choosing right now, but I'm sure he would drop them the second you walked in. Jisung really does care about you, a lot." Jeno said.

"If he's chosen, then I won't interfere." Chenle sighed, finally starting to calm down.

"And if he hasn't?" Renjun asked.

"I don't know. I guess I'd try to talk to him, but I'm in my pajamas still. I'm not going to walk in there when everyone else is dressed in riches." Chenle whined.

"We've got this, don't worry." Renjun smiled. Donghyuk cracked his knuckles, Jaemin smiled brightly, and Jeno looked at all of them approvingly.

Suddenly, Chenle was pulled out of the comfort of Jaemin's bed and was taken to sit down on a chair. He watched Renjun and Jeno leave. They came back with many different things in their hands.

Pretty soon, his hair was being brushed, his face was being powdered, his lips were being painted, and many other things were going on around him.

"What should he wear?" Renjun asked. He groaned in frustration. He was a perfectionist and if the suit wouldn't fit perfectly, then what was he to do?

"This one! I'm sure it'll fit." Donghyuk seemed very excited.

They allowed Chenle to change into everything and he was finally ready.

"You look like a prince." Jeno said first.

"The color really compliments your skin and hair." Renjun smiled.

"You're so pretty, Chenle!" Jaemin exclaimed.

"Turn for us." Donghyuk said.

Chenle shyly turned and they all complimented him more. He couldn't believe they found a suit that fit him so well. It was a nice white color. He was almost scared to wear something so pretty. No doubt, it was expensive. He was covered in white from head to toe except for the black bowtie and shoes.

He smiled at himself in the mirror. He was nervous, but he was ready. It was now or never.

So, This is Love💫 (Chenji AU) Where stories live. Discover now