"When they said you were alive I didn't believe them." her father says, in a low tone, his eyes still on her. "I thought maybe it was some sort of trick. That they'd been held hostage by Marcos, but it's you, you're really back. Your m-mum, Magnolia, she did it."

"Dad." Aurora managed to stutter out. "Y-You're here? What are you...I was...what time is it? No, no this is wrong I was suppose to surprising you by hiding under the couch and- oh."

Her words were cut short when he had practically bombarded her with the most tightening, comforting hug she'd ever gotten. At first she was about to roll her eyes, make a cheesy joke and pull away, that was until realising how much she needed the hug from him specifically. Maybe it was because she'd never gotten to say goodbye to him.

She warned herself to not cry but when her eyes started watering, she couldn't help the tears that slowly fell.

He pulled away and examined her face, leaning forward, he pressed a kiss against her forehead. "I-I can't believe you're alive. I thought I'd lost you. I thought I'd lost you too."

"You didn't loose me." she muttered against his chest. "I'm here."

"You were gone." he whispers quietly, when she pulled back. His eyes search her ones. "But you're back now. You're here. James and Remus told me everything. You...you've been asleep for a long time."

"What time is it?"

"Four o'clock." he told her quietly, still examining her face. His eyes were full of worry, maybe even a little fear. "Tell me everything that happened, what-what do you remember when you...."

"Died?" she finished.

He gulped. "Yeah, died."

She nodded before the two of them sat down and she told the story, again. She explained it the same way she'd done with everyone else, and left out what happened with Marcos. She could see every time she mentioned her mum, Sirius looked at a loss of air. He looked as though he was trying to keep it together but was falling miserably.

"I can't believe that Beckham is Marcos' son. Marcos had a son, Beckham." Sirius breathed. "I didn't even think he could have kids, who is his mum?"

"Died when he was little, went against him apparently."

"Merlin, I can't believe you dated the son of the guy who wanted to kill you before you were even born."

"I choose the good ones, huh?"

"Out of all the people, him. It's weird odds. You sure he's a good guy?"

"The best there is." was all she could tell him. Sirius sent her a look. "No, not like that. He...he's a good friend. He took care of me when we were out there. I mean I remember how slow the days went before he was there, and then when he came he changed things. He really...helped me."

"Not in a romantic way?"

"No, dad. Not in a romantic way."

"I'm glad. I never even met him, for all I know he could be like his father."

"Well, thankfully you'll get to meet him this Christmas. He's staying with his friends in France right now but I invited him to Christmas." she replied, and watched his face drop slightly. "He has no family and he..means a lot of me. And then you'll get to know him."

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