There are no pictures on the wall other than art. Devyn doesn't even think Richard picked it, it almost looks like it came with the house.

When she passes by a cracked open door, Devyn lightly nudges it open. It's Richard's room. She shouldn't go in there. Devyn is about to turn away when she catches sight of a picture frame. Unlike any of the others in the house and this one is lying face down on the nightstand. She really should just walk away.

It's as if her legs move on their own. Before Devyn knows it, she's standing in front of the furniture, her hand reaching down towards the picture frame. She curses her curiosity in the time it takes to grab the frame and turn it over.

A little girl stares back at her. Her smile lighting up her face along with her very familiar, bright, green eyes. The young woman's eyebrows furrow but before she can really think about it, the door creaking behind her has her spinning around to see Richard standing there.

"I'm sorry, I shouldn't have." Devyn apologizes immediately but Richard shakes his head and slowly walks towards her. He reaches out when he gets closer and takes the frame from her and looks down at it.

"It's okay," He says softly, thumb hovering over the picture. "I shouldn't have left it out." Clearing his throat, Richard opens his nightstand drawer and sets the frame back inside. "Come on." When he turns to leave the room, Devyn reaches out and grasps his arm.

"Hey," She says softly but purses her lips when she can think of no other words. She doesn't have to ask to know the girl in the picture is her partner's daughter.

"Come on," Richard repeats again before leaving the room and Devyn follows him this time. She's never seen him so...somber before.

Devyn doesn't bring up the picture again. Though it stays at the forefront of her mind. Richard has never been one to talk about himself. Or at least his past anyway. Devyn only now realizes every time she's asked, he easily dodges her questions without making it obvious that that's what he's doing.

Before his shift starts, Richard drops Devyn off at her car. The woman climbs into the driver's seat and sighs. She looks in the mirror and winces at her appearance. Her hair has been tamed though it's a bit frizzy. It's the bruise on her head that stands out. She's always been an easy bruiser. The dark blue and purple spread out across most of her forehead, the edges coated a nasty yellow color. The cut isn't bad, held together by butterfly bandages.

Devyn drives back to her apartment for nothing other than to change. She showers and dresses in clean clothes before covering the discolored skin on her face with makeup. And in her opinion, she does a good job. The only thing you can see when she's finished is the cut. She knows better than to put makeup on an open wound.

When Devyn is on her way out, trying to figure out what to do for the day, her phone rings. She pulls it from her pocket while locking her door and smiles.

"Good afternoon, doctor," She answers the phone and starts towards the stairs located at the other end of the hall. "How are you this sunny day?"

"Free," Is Spencer's answer, and Devyn chuckles. "What about you?"

"Yeah, I got the day off, actually."

"Huh, convenient," Spencer hums. "Want to get lunch?"

"I would love nothing more."

Spencer beats Devyn to the restaurant. The young woman smiles when she sees him and she can pinpoint the exact moment that he sees the cut on her head. He moves quickly to greet her, worried eyes scanning her face.

"What happened?"

"Hazards of the job," She answers with a reassuring smile. "It's not that bad, I promise. Got a picture of my brain and everything to make sure."

"It looks bad," Spencer observes, cupping her cheek, thumb hovering over the wound.

"Doc said I was all good after some rest, that was yesterday. Now it's just a little cut."

"Why didn't you tell me?" Spencer nearly pouts and Devyn chuckles despite herself.

"You're adorable," Devyn tells him, smiling widening when Spencer blushes. She pulls him towards her and he leans down to kiss her.

"Is that why you have the day off?" He asks when they pull away and Devyn nods.

"Yeah, Rich was insistent. He's riding with someone else today."

"Good," Spencer nods with a sigh and grabs her hand. "Hungry?"



After lunch, Devyn hadn't felt up to doing much else. It was Spencer who figured that out himself. She'd never admit it but he saw the hidden winces and squinted eyes. But neither wanted to leave the others company.

Sighing in content, Devyn closes her eyes and rests her head back on Spencer's shoulder. The couple sit on the young man's couch, Devyn sitting between his legs, back leaning against his chest. Spencer's arms wrap around her, a book held in his hands as he reads to her.

"You falling asleep?" Spencer pauses to ask his question, an easy smile resting on his lips.

"What can I say? Your voice is soothing."

"You can sleep if you want," He tells her while running his fingers through her hair and Devyn sighs again.

"If you keep doing that, I will." Devyn responds softly and leans further into his touch.

"Does your head hurt?" Spencer whispers quietly, his warm breath hitting Devyn's ear.

"It's not so bad, that helps." Devyn smiles when Spencer's free hand joins the one in her hair and he rubs her scalp soothingly.

Devyn must've really fallen asleep because the next thing she knows, she's lying in a different position and slowly blinking her eyes open. Her head moves up in down in rhythm with Spencer's steady breaths and she smiles, closing her eyes once again.

When Devyn wakes the second time, it's to a soft feeling moving up and down her arm. she cracks her eyes open and twists her head up to see Spencer already looking at her. "Are you watching me sleep?"

"You looked peaceful," He says quietly, finger's still moving up and down her arm.

"You were out earlier too. You've been working too hard."

"So have you," Spencer says, thumb lightly running under Devyn's eye and the dark circles under them. Though they look much better than they did a few days ago.

"We need a vacation," Devyn laughs and Spencer does the same, the vibrations echoing through his chest. "You know, maybe that's not such a bad idea," Devyn mumbles after a moment, fingers drawing random patters over Spencer's ribs.

"A vacation?"

"Yeah," Devyn nods. "I mean, I know our relationship is new, maybe too new to go away together or whatever, but..." She shrugs. "Could be good. If you want. I haven't used any of my vacation days, so...but only if you want. No offense taken if you don't."

"It's funny," Spencer hums and Devyn cocks her head to the side in question. "I also have a few vacation days saved up."


1. I love how Richard called Spencer Devyn's FBI agent.
2. We got to see a little about Richard's past...what do you guys think happened?
3. Spencer and Devyn are adorable, aren't they?
4. Are they going away together!? Whaaat? I wonder what's going to happen...theories?

Thanks for reading! I hope you guys enjoyed! I would love to know what you thought of this chapter? And yes, those questions ^ are intended to be answered by you if you want.



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