Chapter Fourteen.

Start from the beginning

"Please don't leave us again. Please don't fall for it again" Poe managed out in a shaky quiet tone.

"I don't want to" you reached your hand to cup his cheek and you could see Rey shifting uncomfortably across from you. Poe leaned his face into your embrace.

"So why are you guys here?" You let go of his face and studied their makeshift camp.

"Well we were heading back to Leia and my ship decided to crap out so we landed here to see if I could fix it. I-"

"He is failing miserably" Rey interrupted with a laugh.

"I could look at it" you shrugged at him.

"You are my star mechanic" he beamed down at you. "But I don't think you're doing any work dressed like that" his eyes shifted up and down at your body. You had almost forgotten that you were wearing the red dress.

"I've got some leggings you can wear" Rey leaned back to her duffel bag behind her and threw a pair of black leggings over to you.

"Thanks but what am I supposed to do about.. you know" you motioned to your torso laughing.

"Wear my shirt. I've got my coat I don't need a shirt too" Poe chimed in and before you could protest he was already pulling off his white button up shirt. You couldn't stop yourself from gawking at his rippling torso and you could tell he noticed you starting because he gave you a subtle wink. To hide the redness in your cheeks you quickly stepped away to change behind a massive tree.

After you stepped out of the dress you held it in your fingers for a moment studying it as you recalled everything. You felt you should keep such a nice garment but you also knew that after everything, you didn't deserve it. You chucked it into the Forrest as far as you could toss it and quickly pulled on the clothing your friends gave you. Reys leggings snug on your legs and Swimming in Poe's shirt.

As you walked back towards your friends Poe smiled and said "you look good like that". You knew he meant specifically in his shirt and you tried to wave it off so you wouldn't continue blushing.

"So... D-O?" Rey asked you hesitantly.

"He's with Ren. I don't know if I'll see him again." You bowed your head catching it in your palms as you realized you might not see your droid again.

"I'm sure we'll figure something out" Poe rubbed your shoulder trying to reassure you.

"No don't you get it. If I see Ren again I won't be able to say no to him. He's got me under his grasp and when he's around I can't stop it."

"Who says you'll have to do it? I'm sure I can get your droid" Poe pulled you into him continuing to rub your shoulder. You could tell he was wanting to be your hero but you didn't want him near Ren ever again.

"No. He will kill you. Maybe-Maybe I should just cut my loses" and before you could finish your sentence you broke out into sobs. Poe held you tighter shhhing you.

The rest of the night was quiet. You decided as a group it was too dark to try and attempt repairs so you headed to bed. Rey had her own tent but since you were a surprise visitor you were sharing a tent with Poe. You didn't mind though because being alone with your thoughts was the last thing you wanted. You were physically and mentally exhausted. You were pushing your strength all day to keep Ren from your thoughts and keep your wall up. As soon as your head hit the pillow you fell into a deep sleep.

You woke up the next morning to the sounds of the forest playing around you along with a cool breeze instead of the warmth of Poe's embrace. You could hear him outside speaking with Rey and BB-8. You decided to stay in your sleeping bag for a few more minutes as you attempted to gain any motivation.

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