Seven - Tiger Teeth

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Sensing Alex loosen his tension on the knife for a second, Tora bucks her hips forwards, stamping on Alex's foot and throwing him over her leg. His back slams on the floor and he wheezes as she turns him over and holds onto his arm with a knee to his back, his knife in her other hand.

The rest of the gang are quick to raise their guns back up, all aiming straight at Tora's head.

"I'm one move away from snapping his shoulder," Tora warns them. "If you want Alex to have a shoulder attached in its socket then I would put the guns down."

Ash smirks, motioning for them lower their guns. "Whether she's bluffing or not, boys, I don't want Alex to suffer finding out."

Tora narrows her eyes to him. "I let him go if I can guarantee I'm not going to get a gun pointed to my head or a knife to my throat again. Deal?"

"As long as you don't have to threaten one of my guys, I'd rather they had their knee caps attached. If yes, then deal." Ash tells her.

Once they place their guns into their pockets, Tora releases Alex's arm and takes her knee off his back, standing up. She spins the blade between her fingers as Alex stands up before she discards the weapon to the side.

"Still think I'm a cat, Ash?" Tora questions.

Ash laughs. "You're like a month old kitten with little claws and teeth. They may be sharp, but they're not much of a threat."

Tora glares daggers at him. "You should watch your mouth. You don't know anything about me."

Bones nudges Kong, whispering to him quietly. "Who is she?"

Hands on his hips, Ash nods his head. "Boys, this is Tora. The Tigress of Tokyo —as she's known."

"Known?" Alex questions.

Ash laughs. "She's a trained assassin."

The guys look between each other, surprised by Ash's statement.

"But you wouldn't guess it by looking at her. Hence the trouble she managed to cause in Chinatown."

All eyes fall on Tora and she raises an eyebrow. "So you do know who I am. I didn't think you cared about anyone else but yourself, Lynx."

"You really don't know me at all, Tora." Ash shakes his head.

Tora shrugs. "I think I know enough. An arrogant, teenage gang leader with emotional baggage and ex-Corsican mafia ties."

Ash holds a hand to his chest. "That almost hurt my feelings, Tora. You should be careful what you say to me when you're so far away from home." Ash crosses his arms. "But you know, it is your first time in the city, I should show you around. After all, Manhattan is no place for a feline like you to roam."

"See all your favourite places? How about we start at the library?" Tora glares at him.

His smirk falters and he furrows his eyebrows in confusion. "What's that supposed to mean?"

Tora places a hand on her hip. "You haven't realised?"

"Realised what?" He questions.

Tora scoffs, waving a hand dismissively. "Maybe I shouldn't have phoned that ambulance and saved your life. I did get hypothermia trying to keep you from not freezing to death while it came."

Eyes widening, Ash takes a step forward. "So it was you... When Max told me about a Japanese girl who called for an ambulance, I had my suspicions."

"I saw a body on the steps and once I realised it was you, I called 911." Tora shrugs. "It's not a big deal."

"Well..." Ash stuffs his hands into his pocket. "I should be thanking you for what you did."

Tora nods. "You're welcome."

Ash shakes his head, smirking as he walks over to her. "I said I should be thanking you. But I'm not quite there yet in terms of understanding the actions you take, Tora."

"What?" She hisses.

"Oh, and as an assassin, the number one rule is to leave no traces. You think smelling of tobacco is the way to do that?" Ash questions.

Eyebrow twitching, Tora pulls the blades out from her back and throws them to the floor at Ash's feet.

The guys grimace and Kong looks through his fingers. "Boss! Your feet!"

Pursing his lips together and raising an eyebrow, Ash looks down at his feet. "Tora, I'd appreciate it if you didn't throw your Kunai Shuriken at me —and ruin my favourite shoes! Damnit!"

Smirking, Tora glances down as Ash steps out of his red converse, his feet untouched while his shoes stay attached to the floor by the Japanese knives.

Finally losing his cool himself, Ash lashes out. "I've been home for 10 minutes and you come in here, harassing my men and ruining my favourite converse!"

"Then help me out and I'll leave!" Tora screams back. "I just need your help and then I'll go!"

Ash takes a deep breath, rubbing the bridge of his nose. "I can't deal with this right now."

Raising her hands in defence, Tora reaches down and yanks her Kunai Shuriken from the floor, tucking them behind her back. "Fine. That's fine. You're the only person that can help me, you're the only living person that knows enough about it to help... But, that's okay!"

She pulls out a cigarette and lighter from her pocket as Ash speaks up. "What is it that only I know enough about?"

Shrugging, Tora flicks the top of the lighter open and raises the flame to the end of the cigarette with her hand to shield.

"Tora." Ash huffs. "Don't you dare—"

Pulling her hand away, Tora exhales the smoke into his face —Ash's blood boiling.

"Sorry, I didn't realise you hate smoking that much." Tora shrugs, sliding her lighter back into her pocket. "Oh well, if you are interested in helping me out, give me a call." She hands Ash a piece of torn paper with her phone number written down.

Turning towards the door, Tora removes the cigarette from her mouth, waving a hand goodbye.

"Thanks for the welcome, boys. Think about what I said. Oh, and Ash,"

She turns her head to look at him, smiling sweetly.

Smoke practically coming out of his ears, Ash clenches his fists. "What, Tora?"

"Get well soon."




"love bites so deep

and we got tiger teeth" - WALK THE MOON

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