Chapter 11

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((I would like to thank dyfm on tumblr for feeding us with Erwin Smith art!! Back to your Pov!))

When I woke, I was alone onthe couch.

'Did Armin not kiss my forehead...?'

I was disappointed, but got up. The more I woke, the clearer voices became...

"You got her sketchbook all wet, Ereh!"

"I'm sorry!"

"Oh man, get the paper towels! How did you even do this anyway?!"

"I wanted to balance the waters on my hand, Armin!"

The voices were barely above a whisper. From the context clues...I can totally tell that they drenched my sketchbook. I sighed in annoyance, I had just bought that sketchbook too. I made my way over to the trio and they all looked at me with a frown.

"I'm sorry, (Y/N). I really didn't mean it!" Eren looked genuine enough. I shrugged it off.

"It's fine, Eren. It was just my personal artbook, not the one for my art class. But now I need a new one, the papers would probably be all wrinkly by the time they dry."

"Armin can take you to get some." Mikasa spoke and nudged the two boys. She gave Eren a different look than she did Armin.

"O-oh, right!" Eren pulled $20 put of his pocket, forcing me to take it in my own hands. "You don't need to give me the change."

I gladly took it. No offense but I kinda feel like he owes it to me...

"I'll get ready so I can go get the sketchbook!" I was about to turn but I noticed Armin frown.

"But you look pretty as you are.."



"Not that you can't put makeup on, I love when you do your makeup! But...I just don't want you to think you're ugly without it..." Armin explained himself as he tied up his hair, getting ready to go.

I hesitated a moment.

"I'm just gonna do my eyebrows!"


"(Y/N), the money." Armin reminded me as we approached the counter to pay for my new sketchbook. It was nothing special, just very good quality paper so I can practice coloring.

Coloring is my weakness...

I didn't want to get something too expensive though, cause whether he likes it or not, I'm giving Eren the change he deserves.

I handed him the cash right as we approached the register and watched his friendly exchange with the young lady, who was checking him out.

Literally and metaphorically.

She finally looked my way, and looked me up and down with a nasty glare.

I felt a sudden urge to grab onto his hand. Watching him smile and play off the lady's obvious attempts at pickup lines made me increasingly jealous. The more she glared, the more I wanted to get over the counter and smack her. I don't need to fight her to show I'm better.

She has to see me- I'm literally right here. She's talking so unnecessarily long...

"I'm gonna start heading to the dorm, Armin." I huffed and grabbed the sketchbook after she finally scanned it, rushing out of the store. Immediately my cheeks became red with embarrassment.

'Fuck that was so embarsssing, what the fuck was that??? Oh my God I'm a cringe ass bitch- what if she just has resting bitch face?'

The dorms weren't that far from the shopping block so I was there within the next 5 minutes. I was really disappointed that Armin didn't come after me. He doesn't owe me anything...he isn't even my partner.

With a heavy sigh, a heard footsteps approach me from behind. A hand grabbed onto mine and instantly smiled. Just as I was about to turn, hand on my packet to grab my pocket knife, I was tugged into one of the alleyways. A hand shoved some sort of fabric into my mouth and covered it to make sure it didn't budge.

I instinctively went to grab my pepper spray from my purses pocket but couldn't. The person had thrown me against the wall and my head had slammed hard into it. He had taken my purse off in the process, and a knife was pointed right at me.

Not a pocket knife, a whole kitchen knife.

"We...We met the other night..." He breathed out, shakily pointing his knife at me.

That's when it hit me...he's the guy who delivered the desserts, but what-

He blushed, but then...something made contact with his face.

A fist. It was a hard punch from the side of his head and it sent him flying to the ground a good 5 feet away, and I was being grabbed onto by my savior.

"(Y/N)!" Armin cried, hugging me and whispering countless apologies into my ear, ones I couldn't answer because I was being gagged.

Everything happened so fast, that must be why I felt so dizzy...Armin took the fabric out of my mouth and tossed it aside.

I took deep breaths before making eye contact with him, and he was crying. He raised a hand to my face, cupping it gently, and with his thumb he wiped away the tears I didn't know I had.

That's when I noticed the guy who had just attacked me was slowly rising to his feet, his hands no longer shaking and he positioned himself. I grabbed onto Armin, holding him close and turning him away from the stranger.

Then...he was tackled to the grown by a familiar face. The man struggled and attempted to stab out hero, but was promptly knocked out.

"Are you two alright?" The blonde asked with a frown, reaching out to the two of us but soon staring at me in shock.

"Mr....Mr. Smith, I-"

"Oh my God-" Armin shakily breathed out and gently touched the back of my head with the fabric that was once in my mouth.

That's when I noticed it.


"Stay calm, (Y/N). Armin, stay with her. I'll call the police, just made sure you apply enough pressure-" Just as Mr. Smith was about to turn away and make a call he stopped. He took off his coat and handed it to Armin.

Everything began to blur.

"Why is...why is everything so fuzzy...?" I asked and almost fell back again, but Armin caught me and gently laid me down in his lap, applying pressure to my wound.

"You're gonna be fine...okay?"

((feeling kinda dissapoited with this chapter so I might be making the next one soon!))

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