Chapter 1

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Snowflakes fluttered gently onto the window, melting and slipping down on impact.

Dani grunted, jerking the steering a little too hard.

"Ow," Blades said, wincing a bit.

"Sorry, Blades."

Cody snickered at the interaction and continued to stare out the window, the landscape bellow going by.

They were going out for a fly, maybe even looking for someone that needed help.

Just the three of them.  No Heatwave, no Boulder, no Chase, no Kade, no Graham, and no dad.

It was nice.  They had never really had any sibling-bonding time in the past, and when they did, it was usually something Kade or Graham wanted to do.

Blades was like family too.

In a way, the three of them shared a bond.

They were always shunned, never really in on the action.  One was in the com center.  The other two watched from the sky.   It was a mutual feeling that no one else quite understood.

That was fine by them.  It made them closer as a family.

"This is nice," Dani yawned lazily, her grip on the controls loosening.  "No screaming brothers, no pushy bots."

"Don't let Heatwave hear that," Blades warned jokingly.  "Or Kade."

"Graham and Boulder will probably be fine with it," Cody mused.  "They're really soft-spoken, so it wouldn't really apply to them.  Not too sure about Chase, though."

"He probably won't care," Dani said, eyes flickering to her younger brother briefly.  "Heatwave and Kade, on the other hand. . ."

They laughed freely, fully enjoying themselves.

"It's nice to enjoy the snow without it going out of control," Blades said, referring to an incident that had occurred a few months ago.

Cody and Dani shuddered.

"Heh, that was a catastrophe."  Cody frowned, remembering what the mayor had said and done.

"The mayor's just full of himself," said Dani, as if reading his mind.  "I don't think he actually means any harm."

Blades snorted.  "The day the mayor does something that actually ends good is the day Chief Burns gets rid of his face hair."  He paused.  "Don't tell him I said that."

"We won't."

They drifted lazily along once more, content to be in each other's company.

Cody frowned and squinted.  "Huh.  It looks like the snow's coming faster."

The pilot looked out the window to see the snow flurrying faster and faster, spinning out of control and plastering them in a layer of white.

"We'll have to land," Dani said, reading Blades' instruments.

Cody gulped.  "Where?"

They couldn't see three feet in front of them; the snow was so thick and bad.

Suddenly, Blades pitched sideways.

"We've been hit!" screeched Blades as his rotors spluttered and groaned.  They tumbled through the sky, screaming and holding onto each other.

With a shaking hand, Cody tapped into the com link.

"Cody, what is it?" their dad asked, concern lacing his voice.  Cody heard shuffling sounds in the background, meaning Graham and Kade were there.

"I'm with Dani!" he said, half screaming into the mic.  He felt bad, but he didn't have time to worry about that.  "Blades is going down!  Fast!"

As they lurched to the side, they each let out a blood-curdling scream.

"Where are you?" Graham cut in, quite frantic.  Dani could hear the worry and concern in his words over the sounds of their screaming.

"I don't know," Cody sobbed, clinging to his sister's arm for dear life.  "I don't know."

"Prepare for impact!" yelled Blades, an island whirling into view.

The two siblings closed their eyes, hands gripping each other, wondering if this was the end.


Static replaced the salty screams of fear.

The last thing they heard was Blades yelling something about making impact. And then nothing.

He looked up to his two older sons, each with a horrified expression on their faces.

"Are they. . .?  What if they don't--?" Kade sputtered, frantically running his hands through his hair.

"I am sure they will be fine," Chase said.  "Blades would not let any harm come to them."

Kade nodded, unable to say anything more.

Graham walked over to the window.  "We can't go out now.  The best we could do is track their location and head out when the snow clears up."

Heatwave grunted.  "They'd better be alright.  If they die, I'll kill them."  He punched his hand against the palm of his other one for emphasis.

Kade tapped into the com link.  "Hello? Dani?  Cody?  Blades? 1, 2 , 3, can you hear me?"

Static greeted him, filling the bunker.

"They must've fallen out of range," Boulder said, a worried look spread across his face, like butter on warm toast.  "We can't reach them.  The only thing we have left to do is track their com link.  Assuming they still have it."

Graham and Kade looked close to tears, and Chief Burns looked more worried than they've ever seen him.

Graham looked out the window once more.  In a broken, cracked voice, he said, "Please be okay."


Ey!  Hey there!

Okay, I know I need to work on Secretly Powerful, but I started watching Rescue Bots again and so this shit came forth!

Okay, so I watched Season 1, I think I watched everything of Season 2, I watched a little of Season 3, but I don't think I've watched Season 4 yet. 

So, I know the Burnses family, the main four Rescue Bots, Frankie, Doc Greene, Huxley, Mayor Lusky, Optimus Prime, and Bumblebee.

I think I know enough about Blurr and Salvage to at least mention them.

I don't know Hightide, Quickshadow, or that red Rescue Bot I think appears in Season 4.  They might appear later if I watched the episode(s) they appear in.

Servo, I'm not too sure about.  I never exactly watched how they got him (If there's an episode for that), but I think I'll write him in later chapters.

And yes, I do plan on making this a series.  One story for each bot and their human companion.

This is Blades/Dani/Cody centric, because they are my favorite characters and my muse wanted them to suffer.

I tried to keep this realistic, but magic.

Seeya soon! (Hopefully, anyways)

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⏰ Letzte Aktualisierung: Feb 01, 2021 ⏰

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