Beautiful Memories

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Good Afternoon Darling, or possibly Evening
Oh how I have missed you so
I have a secret no one knows, Well
Almost no one
My love...
Is that ok?
To call you that Darling?
Nonetheless, you are my love
Falling in love is a beautiful yet exhilarating thing
It takes energy much effort but oh how I am fully willing to put all my energy for you.
One day you will read my last letters, close it and put me to the side. We will both be returning to our worlds. But oh darling you are my world. Everything I imagine perfection to be.
Do not fret my dear, our time is limited yes, but you may always come back when you miss me.
I shall always miss you.
My mother once told me
"You must always get between the layers, insecurities, and imperfections to see the hidden beauty. Any lass can be beautiful on the outside but be a complete menace."
Very smart woman my Chisal was. Despite her hard-handed manners she was a good woman.
My mother would strike you across your face and you walk around face burning red even the next day.
From only one crack!
Chisal was not lovely nor kind, she was the woman every neighborhood youngster feared, but she was still my mother.
I fear she lived a life of regret and angst.
Beautiful memories
What hurts the most is to remember all the good memories associated with the bad.
They say what doesn't kill you makes you stronger.
It is true, yes
Beautiful memories
But it has never been broken down.
All those bad moments and situations shall grant you with the bad memories, darling that is a given.
It isn't just the good memories that make you, you, but the bad as well.
You shall't focus us on all the wrong but the good as well. All those beautiful smiles you have held. How your smile reaches your eyes with pure bliss.
Don't try to be who you were before but be reborn.
Change is always a given.
But be a better version of yourself than you were before. Grow from all that hate and rage and become more beautiful than you are.
Be who you want to be.
Achieve what you want to.
Because darling that is your perfect.
If you are in need, talk to me, cry out to me.
You must know, I will never judge you.
I am an open book and I want only you to read my pages.

The look in your eyes when you skim quietly through every word from my lips I have put down for you.

I thank-you for listening, truly listening.

I know this connection we have is not forever, but I hope in my heart it lasts. Days I watch you read my whispers with tears in your eyes and I wonder,

Will you ever  return to me?


Hey beautiful! Thankyou for reading!! Chapters are coming soon of course;)
I know I took sooooo long to release this buuuut here it is.
This was super difficult to put together.
A comment, constructive criticism, and some feedback would be very much appreciated!
It helps me know just what you guys want and what you want to continue to see.
Tell me what type of topics I should bring up because I also want this book to help people during tough times. If you are lonely, her is an aromatic companion to keep you busy and feeling loved. BELIEVE ME I know first hand how it is to feel alone.
So like I said please talk, comment of message me for requests or just to talk. I swear I'm really friendly!!
This is a judgment free zone.
I was offered a contact for this book but I declined because I want this to be somethings everyone can enjoy and love for free.

Until next time.....

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 01, 2021 ⏰

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