Chapter 07

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Severus and I have gotten close again, but he still acts strange. We also haven't really been bothered by James Potter, Sirius Black, Remus Lupin- who turned out to be a werewolf, or Peter Pettigrew because three of them joined the Order after I did and know not to do anything now. Pettigrew is the only one that hasn't joined yet.

"Ugh! Why is it so quiet?" I groaned in my hands at dinner.

"I don't know." Severus replied.

I then looked out of one of the windows and saw it was a full moon.

"Never mind, I think I know why." I sighed before I continued to eat.

You see, when it's loud in the hall, I don't have to focus on my premonition of Severus all that time ago, but when it's quiet I can't stop thinking about it.

"Why are you bothered with the quietness anyways?" Severus asked.

"The noise helps me not think about my parents." I replied softly.

"Oh." He replied before we finished eating and started leaving the hall to go back to our common room.

"Miss Darlington, may I see you in my office?" Dumbledore asked as he had followed us out of the hall.

"Of course professor. I'll see you soon." I replied before turning to Severus with a smile before I followed Dumbledore.

Once we walked in and he closed the door after me, he motioned for me to sit while Fawkes stayed perched where he was.

"What is it professor?" I asked, nervously.

"I think it's best for you to learn Occlumency. Do you know anything about it?" He replied, before asking me a question in turn.

"It's the magical way to protect your mind from Legilimency. Why do I need to know it, sir?" I replied, a bit confused.

"Because He is a very skilled Legilimens, and so is Snape. Snape is also a very skilled Occlumens. I would ask him to teach you, but then he'd get suspicious as to why you want to learn how to do it." He explained, making me sigh and nod.

"It's gonna hurt, isn't it?" I asked.

"Very much, but it's worth it in the end. Trust me." He replied, making me sigh and nod.

"Alright, let's do this I guess." I stated.

And thus began my training.

It had been hours since we started, and we just stopped because it was getting too late. Like, approaching midnight late.

"I believe we should train on Saturdays, that way we have more time." Dumbledore stated as he helped me stand from the floor.

"Agreed, sir." I replied as I panted.

My whole body was covered in sweat, and my eyes hurt from the tears, but I had managed to block him out a few times.

"I'll accompany you to your common room, so you don't get in trouble." He stated, making me nod before Fawkes flew over and rubbed against my face to dry it.

"Thank you Fawkes, I'll see you on Saturday." I smiled before kissing the Phoenix's cheek.

He squawked before flying back to his perch.

"How has Snape been acting lately?" Dumbledore asked as we began the walk to the Slytherin Common Room in the Dungeons.

"We're close again, but he's still acting strange and won't tell me why." I replied with a sigh.

"You still haven't told him about your feelings have you?" He asked, making me smile a little.

"I did the first night back to Hogwarts, but he hasn't brought it up." I replied.

"Maybe he's acting strange because he knows you love him?" He questioned, rhetorically I might add.

"I doubt it, sir." I replied as I rolled my eyes at the old man.

"Well, talk to him about it. Tonight." He stated as we stopped outside of the painting that leads to the Slytherin Common Room.

I sighed deeply.

"Alright." I replied before I spoke the password and went inside the common room as Dumbledore started walking away.

"What the hell have the two of you been doing for hours? You're all sweaty!" Severus asked loudly, making me jump.

"He had me help him reorganize his potions and books in his office without the use of magic because he thinks it'll help me gain more character or some shit like that." I replied as I took my House robe off and sat down on the couch next to him.

"That old man is weird." He sighed, making me laugh.

"What did you think happened when I walked in?" I asked, with amusement lacing my tone.

"N-nothing." He replied with a red face as he looked away from me.

"Severus Snape, did you think I had sex with the old man?" I asked, shocked.

When he didn't reply, or even look at me, I busted out laughing.

"Sev, Dumbledore is gay!" I laughed out as I fell onto his lap because I was laughing so hard.

"He's what?!" Severus exclaimed, shocked.

"He's gay! Him and Grindelwald were a couple before Grindelwald turned evil." I replied, now lightly giggling as I turned onto my back and smiled up at him.

"Wow, that's unbelievable, but believable at the same time..." He stated, making me giggle again.

"Sev, I have something I want to talk to you about." I sighed as I looked away from his face for a minute.

"What is it?" He asked as his right hand started playing with my hair, like always.

"You know you're my best friend right?" I asked as I finally looked up into his dark brown eyes, that looked black when you're not looking at them up close.

He nodded his head, a little confused.

"I'm your only friend Jinx." He replied, making me roll my eyes.

"That's beside the point." I stated. "The point is, I've always loved you. It hurt when you kept talking about Lily, and it hurt when you thought I'd like Black over you. You're the only person I've ever had these feelings for, and I've had them since we first met." I stated, looking away from him as tears welled in my eyes.

"Jinx, I have something to tell you too, and I hope it doesn't ruin our friendship, or your feelings for me, because I love you too. I have for a long time now, but not nearly as long as you have me." He replied, making me look up at him with a smile before he made me sit up off his lap.

"Whatever it is, you know I'm always here for you." I whispered before I pecked his lips.

"Even if it's this?" He asked, almost inaudible, as he lifted his left sleeve up to show the Dark Mark.

My breath hitched, as my assumption about my premonition already happening was true.

"Sev, I don't care. I will always be on your side. I also already knew you would join his side. It was my last premonition from Christmas Eve. I didn't want to tell you, because I didn't want it to ruin our friendship." I replied as I caressed it, before pulling his sleeve back down.

Obviously I lied about it being my last premonition, because he doesn't know about the other one.

"You already knew?" He asked, shocked, then my words registered in his head, and he sighed. "I can see how it would've ruined our friendship." He stated before he kissed me softly.

I smiled into the kiss before it deepened a little. Meaning it became a little more passionate.

"I love you so much." I whispered as we pulled away and rested our foreheads on each other.

"I love you so much too." He whispered in reply.

We then laid on the couch and cuddled, the heat of the fire place keeping us warm, though we still used my robes as a blanket.

"Goodnight Jinx." He smiled as he kissed my forehead.

"Goodnight Sev." I replied before kissing his cheek.

We got comfortable while holding each other before we fell asleep.

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