Them when they find out you like them but they like you back

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mini imagines

"Come on Y/N! We won't tell anyone! Right guys?" Kiara tugged my arm lightly as I chuckled sarcastically. Of course I couldn't say who I like. Not when the person is right in front of me.

"Yeah yeah" JJ smirks and sips from his beer.

"Totally!" John laugh and innocently smiles at me.

"God no. I can't do it. It's embarrassing."

"It's not. We won't judge you." I sigh down at Kiara and up at John.

"Fine..bu-" I bite the inside of my cheek. "But we won't speak of it again and pretend it never happened!" They all nod slowly.

"John B I like you." The silence makes my hands shake and I find myself unable to meet his eyes, I could feel them piercing my body.

"And I like you."

The living room was empty, and so was every other room. Except hers. Sarah braided her hair in front of her mirror, I could see how beautiful she looked through the crack of the door.

"Y/N!" She screams excitedly. The door shoots open and I giggle at how silly she looked, half of her hair braided and the other loose. She looks beautiful. "Why are you here?"

A bewilder expression takes over my face as I try to think my words through. "There's just something I would like you to know." I say silently as her eyes scan my face. She nods and takes my hand, pulling me inside her bedroom.

"Go on." She says quietly.

"I really like you Sarah. I like like you..a lot-" I catch my breath as she pulls me by the neck and cuts space between us. Her lips move over mine perfectly and I sense myself smile as we both pull away.

"I like you too Y/N" Sarah smiles and hugs me immediately. "God i've been wanting to tell you for a long time."

Most of the gang was here, JJ, Pope and Me. Kiara and John had business elsewhere, didn't chirp about it and went along their way.

"That's bullshit." I snicker looking over at the guys. Pope said some ridiculous comment accusing me of liking JJ. "He's smelly." I joke scrunching up my nose.

"Dude it's so obvious she likes you why would she lay eyes on m-" Jesus Christ i'll give you my first born if you swallow me whole and drop me off in Costa Rica.

"What.." I'm paralyzed completely. Unable to move and unable to take my angry eyes off JJ. My beer slowly slips out of my fingers and I almost feel it fall. The bottle never shatters on the floor, instead I feel two pairs of warm hands take the beer away. "Is that true Y/N?" My eyes widen at the touch of his hems wrapping around my own.

"Y-yes." He smiles down at me and nods to himself.

"Well I like you too...a lot." My parted mouth slowly curves into a smile as I feel his lips begin to linger on mine.

"Hey i'm still here!" JJ I hate you.

"Hello Y/N!" The man waves at me as he swings a towel over his shoulders.

"Hello Sir. I'm here for Kiara." I say politely, Kiara's dad nods and point to the back. I walk over there and search for my friend. "Kiara." I mumble lowly.

"Y/N! Let's go." She smiles and flips her hair away from her face. We both make it out of the restaurant in no time.

The day goes by and we're both filled with bags of new stuff. We sit by the marsh and continue to look at the few clouds decorating the sky. "Hey Kiara?" She hums. "You've always told me to let it all out..right?"

"Yes, and I also told you to never be afraid to say what you're feeling." She reminds me, caressing my hand.

"Yeah well um.." Her head whips to me and suddenly i'm afraid to stop looking at her even if i'm more terrified of meeting her eyes when confessing."I like you. And not like a friend...I want us to be something more."

The clouds were beautiful but she was more. Her lips were parted in a smile, her eyes bright as stars. "Then let's be more." We cuddle on the grass and the marsh silently hits small waves. Everything in the world is aligned perfectly.


My hands grip my hair tightly as I resist pulling it out. I scoff loudly and click my tongue angrily. "You're a fucking jerk."

"Yeah well you make sure to remind me every day." I can't help but laugh in his face. I wouldn't have to if he wouldn't act like one all day everyday.

"You put yourself in danger every single day JJ! Wasn't yesterday enough?! You sunk Topper's fucking boat." I scream, pacing my self in front of him. There's no way he won't get in major trouble for that little stunt. "Was pulling a gun out on him not enough for you?!"

"I did it for Pope." His voice is stern and heavy as his eyes never leave mine.

"And I get that, I do, but those boats have cameras JJ." I sigh and pass my hands over my face irritated. The veins in his hand pop as they curl into fists.

"Why do we always have this fight Y/N? Why do you worry about me so much?!" I freeze, locking eyes with the dirty floor my heels fidget with. "Huh? Why do you get so angry?"

"Because." It's all I say. Nothing else comes out, no lie comes to mind. Maybe it's time I tell him.

"Because?" He asks mocking me, his blonde hair bounces on his head and his hands flop in the air.

"Because I like you okay? I fucking like you and I can't not care." My racing panic fogs my brain and I avoid the eye contact he seems to not be so scared of. I wasn't mad anymore, I was shy and embarrassed. I didn't just tell him I like him right? Please tell me I imagined it or that i'm in a dre-

"You care for me...because you like me?" He asks more to himself.

"Yes JJ."

"Well then why are you fighting me Y/N?" I hum in confusion and clinch my eyebrows. What does he mean. "Kiss me instead." I catch my breath as his hands cup my face and roughly travel down my hips.  His gaze is heavy and comforting even if it's scary, he's never looked at me with so much want. "I like you Y/N. A lot. And every night I dream of kissing you, of wrapping my hands around your hair, of whispering what you're meant to hear."

He's so attractive God. I pull him by the collar and smash my lips against his, it is not long before his tongue is roaming my mouth, we both moan in each other's mouth but eventually night sets in and as I wrap my hand around his waist I realize I finally have him, the guy i've been obsessing over for so long.

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