⚖️ How is Indian Legion Contributing? ⚖️

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How is Indian Legion Contributing?
By thelatentwriter
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When we talk about changes and duties, a question that often comes to mind is, what change can we bring at a young age? What all can we do for our nation? We at Indian Legion are trying to answer that question with small efforts in the big world. Nicholas spark once said that sometimes the most ordinary things could be made extraordinary by doing it with the right people and us, as a team is constantly working together to contribute even to a better society.

When it comes to nation and patriotism, Indian Legion is no behind. Starting with how the book 1947 was a joint effort of so many members celebrating independence day and by raising strong topics like bias Indian media or how Hindi is considered as uncool, celebrating the very essence of democracy that is, right to speak and express, to even educating people about places to visit and female fighters to know.

The linguist and content creator department is working every day to keep people close to culture and languages. The frequent gazette articles never fail to bring out the wonders of India. The gazette writers work to make sure to present gems of our country by writing about flora and faunas to great writers like Sudha Murthy and Preeti Shenoy. Each edition of Gazette, bringing out something new and something interesting.

They say working for people is one of the noblest acts and Indian Legion is bringing that into action through their various service stations like Editing, Reviewing, Account rating, graphic designing shops, and Learning Hub. Efforts to help young minds who will grow up to become the great writers of the future.

Bloggers here aren't afraid to raise questions, and demand answers through their words. Always picking up strong issues to discuss for citizens, showing how it is important to talk about problems and to collectively work for the solution. Indian Legion gives a strong platform to young voices and encouraging youth to be strong and sensible. Who knows maybe one of us will go to become a future leader?

Understanding the importance to discuss sensitive issues like mental health and depression, two of the book, Advisory and Supportive salaah is there to help people get through a tough time and to ensure that there's always an ear to hear.

Our contribution could be small but it is something. We make sure to provide an environment with respect for every religion, caste, creed, color, and sex. A place where people are seen on the basis of nothing but their work. A community taking care that each member is treated with kindness and due appreciation of their effort. Just like everything in the world, we too aren't perfect but we are the team helping each other and becoming a strong youth altogether.

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