⚖️ Special Armed Forces of India ⚖️

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Special Armed Forces of India
By riyaguha95
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To celebrate 71 years of adopting a well-structured constitution in India, let us talk about the special armed forces who defend and protect our motherland with everything they have. We all know that the Indian Armed Forces are divided into three branches: the Indian Army, the Indian Navy, and the Indian Air Force. But within each of these branches, we have some outstanding special force units which are much more specialized in detecting threats and eliminating them. Stealth and precision are what these people live by.

So, let's take a look at the special force units.

So, let's take a look at the special force units

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1. Para SF of the Indian Army
Watched the Bollywood movie, 'Uri'?
Yep, they were not regular army-men. They were members of the elite force that specializes in hostage-rescue and unconventional warfare. The technology they use is beyond ordinary comprehension, and they are deft at suppressing insurgency along LOC as well as within the nation. A subunit of the Parachute regiment, these people are skilled at airborne and territorial attacks on the enemy.

 A subunit of the Parachute regiment, these people are skilled at airborne and territorial attacks on the enemy

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2. MARCOS of the Indian Navy
This elite unit has gained international accolades for being one of the most professional units across the world. The highly skilled personnel are adept at operating in air and on land, apart from being experts at undertaking missions at sea. Although their maritime operations are covert and are kept classified, for the most part, the forces have been known to undertake counter-insurgency operations in Jammu and Kashmir through the multiple rivers and freshwater lakes existent in the region.

 Although their maritime operations are covert and are kept classified, for the most part, the forces have been known to undertake counter-insurgency operations in Jammu and Kashmir through the multiple rivers and freshwater lakes existent in the ...

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3. Garud Commando Force of the Indian Air Force
This particular unit is skilled at counter-terrorism and rescuing pilots who have gone missing in action, apart from securing IAF's assets placed at vulnerable locations. Garuds are mostly deployed for UN peacekeeping missions outside of the country, especially to war-ravaged nations. During calamities, they have been known to rescue civilians from certain death even from many precarious situations.

One more special force worth mentioning here is the specialized unit under the Research and Analysis Wing, India's external intelligence agency. The personnel in these units are extremely dedicated to what they do as the operations undertaken by them are not only life-threatening but are undocumented as well. According to sources, they initiate missions to keep the enemies at bay, which the Indian government might not explicitly issue orders for.

 According to sources, they initiate missions to keep the enemies at bay, which the Indian government might not explicitly issue orders for

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Some facts about our armed forces:

1. Soldiers belonging to these select units are some of the best globally, for the Indian armed forces are considered the very best in mountain warfare.

2. The very first unit of MARCOS was trained by the US Navy Seals. Eventually, MARCOS commandos were able to conduct an amphibious raid against LTTE in Sri Lanka, thereby ending the stretched-out war in the neighbouring nation.

3. These special units gather intelligence, too, apart from conducting covert and overt operations, which requires them to sometimes go beyond the enemy lines, albeit in disguise—something like what RAW offices do from time to time.

4. Garud commandos have been reported to be deployed near LAC amidst the ongoing China-India skirmishes since last year. They have been successfully able to defend the Indian air space from any kind of incursion using not only their skills but also advanced technologies developed within the country.

5. The special units of our armed forces are one of the most talked-about across the world, with articles appearing about them in some of the most reputed publications in the USA and UK, marvelling about the fact that despite political and monetary restrictions as well as insurgency uprising almost every other day, these soldiers have been able to protect the nation well.

Our soldiers, our armed forces are our pride. Hats off to these people who are humans just like we are, but their grit, willpower, and patriotism towards our nation drive them to go the extra mile, cross that border, and defeat the foe. A special thanks to them for risking their lives so that we can lead ours.

Happy Republic Day and Jai Hind!

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