⚖️ Letter to India ⚖️

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Letter to India
Collected by thelatentwriter | Collage by -trustbutterflies-
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As a land of culture and diversity, we have seen various changes over the years. 71 years ago our ancestors drafted a body of fundamental principles or established precedents according to which a state or other organization is acknowledged to be governed aka our constitution. A composition of rules and guidelines for the smooth functioning of the nation. They did their job and now the weights are on our shoulder, the shoulders of youth.

WE are the most important and dynamic segment of the nation. We are tomorrow's creators, builders, leaders. Innovators. Today India is the youngest country in the world, with around 25% of the population under the age of 25 years. We have the power to make an India of our dreams. India where, things like genital mutilation, racism, sexism, dowry, rape, child abuse to even terrorism finds no place of existence. An India of youth, developed by the youth, for the youth.

With so much being said, it's clear how important it is to value the voice of youth. To hear what are their aspirations and expectations for India. What they want to say to India.

Let's see what happened when youth picked the pen and wrote to India-

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Let's see what happened when youth picked the pen and wrote to India-

Youth, please take part in politics... We are the future of this country and will be the faces of very rich history. Buddhe log and "society", please stop telling us youngsters what to do, which career to take up, what NOT to do, blah blah blah. Let us find our own way like you guys did/didn't. We'll respect you more if you give us the freedom to explore than if you force us.

The majority of the youth in India don't take their education seriously, and all they think about is earning money. Agreed, money is important, but we should not be selfish. We should think about the country too. So, youngsters, study well because we are the future of this great country.

The youth of India today has forgotten to value India. We look towards other countries and what to be like them. Why not strive to be so that countries look towards us to be like us. So, I want the youth to value India and work for the betterment of India and every field be it politics, diplomacy, bureaucracy, science, health, technologies, commerce or any other field. Work For India, and for its betterment.

Youth: Hey! I have much advice for you but the main one is to try to abolish the toxic nature of India. Abolish Gender Roles/Homophobia/Racism etc. It's hard but try your best and just make India Beautiful. This is will create a prospering country meant for everyone and will live up to to its name for diversity. Oh and Love your country more, its been through hell and believe me when you are abroad you miss everything about India, believe me, I know.

Parents, please stop comparing your child with the neighbours. Not every child is the same, everyone is unique in their way. Not every child wants to excel in academics, some want to be in sports. Everyone can't be Ramanujan only, we also need Sachin Tendulkar. Arts is for girls- stop generalizing education, even boys can opt for arts too. Give your children the freedom to choose what they want, put your trust in them.

As the youth of our country, it is our responsibility to keep the vibrancy of our land alive. We must celebrate our culture, languages and history. Look upon our freedom fighters and see how far India has come. Let us take it further.
Jai Hind

For a change stop blaming girls about their dressing style and start teaching your son not to get horny just by looking at a girl. And the girls who get abused by a stranger or even worse, her loved ones, raise your voice against this. I know it's really hard but if we girls don't take a step, nothing will change.

Dear youths of the New India,
I know we have been moving towards the modern culture, but sometimes embracing our own old age culture won't make you uncool. Barring a few cultural prejudices and stereotypes, our cultural values are worth cherishing. We must know how to take this legacy forward and learn to respect it.

As a citizen, it's our responsibility to maintain cleanliness around and help in maintaining the pollution level. I know it can't happen that easily but at least we should try by making little efforts in conserving this environment and releasing less waste. Let's not let go of the beauty of this land in waste.

Bhaiyo aur behno,
India is known for the strength of unity despite diversity. With rich culture, heritage and moral lessons that we learn through our epics, as an Indian, we need to be tolerant and accepting citizens. We need to follow the path of Ahimsa but that should not stop us from raising our voices against social issues. Together, we can make wonders happen! Let's make our motherland proud!

STOP BODY SHAMING. Beauty isn't about the perfect body and fair, flawless skin. It's about a beautiful heart. Pretty face gets old but good nature remains.
STOP BEING JUDGEMENTAL. Try to understand the person instead of judging. It is not that hard.

Jiyo and jeene do !! India has come a long way and things have changed but jo nahi badla  woh hae janta ki soch. At any point in life, everyone has the right to chase their dreams, to grow n achieve success. And bewajah ke stereotypes and patriarchy khatam bhi karo !!

A message to the youth, a message to myself.
Changing the nation means changing our future. For good or for bad, that is in our own hands.Evey growing youth dreams of changing the society; but the universal truth is, unfortunately, we are a part of this very own society. I am sure, you must have heard this many time; but- to change the society, we first have to change ourselves
And again, 'For good or for bad, that is in our own hands.

Never stay silent. Always speak up.  If you see any wrong thing happening then raise your voice against it. Speak up and fight, for yourself and for others. We may feel weak alone but together we are a force with power to bring every change.
Losing is always better that surrendering.

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