Chapter 2- The Ring (Clarke's POV)

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Chapter 2: The Ring (Clarke's POV)

We left Earth just as fast as we came. I looked back through the spaceship window, watching as the world that I thought would be my home, was destroyed. I felt a hand on my shoulder. I turned around and saw Bellamy staring at me. "Hey, at least your not down there." I chuckled. He was right. "Do you really think that they'll be able to last in the bunker for 5 years?" I looked around asking. "They'll have to. There's no where else for them to go." Monty said.

"Stop talking." Raven said. Everyone looked at her. "We're here." I thought of the plan in my head. We pull up next to the ring, then we go and get air. Okay, that's simple. We can do this. "We'll only have 1 minute for us with no oxygen, so we have to move fast." Raven sure knows how to worry everyone with only 1 sentence. We got to the ark and hurried as fast as we could to set up the oxygen. But we were to late. I was the first one to run out.

Bellamy noticed this right away. He took off his helmet and put it on me before I could stop him. "You need some too." Pretty soon everyone was running out of oxygen and I thought we weren't going to make it. Until the air started blowing through the vent. We did it, I thought. We were going to survive.

We layed there breathing the air for 5 more minutes before we got up. I walked around the ring it was so much different than I remembered it being. Monty had us all meet in the lounge area to assign bedrooms. Monty and Harper took a room, Emori and Murphy took one, and Raven and Echo took the third. Which left me and Bellamy to share the last one. We had shared a room for the past month on Earth, so I didn't see how this would be any different.

When Bellamy and I got to our room, he called top bunk. Which left me with the bottom. I didn't really mind what bunk I had, as long as I got a bed in general. I sat on my bed and stared into space. It was so beautiful. Why did we ever leave?

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 26, 2021 ⏰

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