I wasn't sure how long the game continued on for, time went by rather fast while watching the game live, even if I wasn't a huge quidditch fan.

The score was 110-120 in favor of the Magpies; it was obvious that the snitch would be needed to win the game. It seemed that the seekers were hard at work chasing it, but it looked that way for the past ten minutes so we all resumed our attention on the teams below instead of the hunt for the snitch.

Everyone had gotten even louder as they cheered, the nearing end of the game causing even more excitement. I was almost worried for Fred and George as they bent over the railing to get closer to the game, afraid that they would fall off - especially because Fred only had one good hand to grip on with.

The teams continued to each win goals, the point lead being traded off as more and more goals were scored, and it was obvious that everyone kept peeking up to the seekers to see if either one was on the brink of catching the snitch.

They had been flying around up there for a while, seeming to have spotten the golden object every once and awhile, but soon both of the seekers flew synchronously next to each other, a sign that they had found it and would soon hopefully catch it.

"They've got it, they've got it," Ginny chanted as she looked up to the sky with hopeful eyes.

Everyone in the crowd oo'd and aw'd as they flew in figure eights around the sky. It would seem as if one of them was reaching for it and was about to grab it, but then they would quickly retract their hand and speed up their broom.

Ginny had told me a while ago that it was much harder to catch the snitch in the big leagues to ensure that the games lasted a while, and boy did it look hard. I could tell how bloody fast they were as they whizzed around the blue sky, and if that wasn't fast enough to catch it I had no idea what was.

Soon, after a few more torturous minutes, one of the seekers finally grabbed it and the crowd burst into cheer as she flew down with it in hand.

Fred and George were cheering louder than I had ever heard them and Ginny was pouting a bit as Harry rubbed a comforting hand over her back. I could tell he was trying to conceal his smile at the winning team.

"Suck it, Ginny!" George yelled. I smacked him on the shoulder. "Ow," he said and rubbed his shoulder.

We watched as the winning team collected their trophy and took a bow before the two teams thanked each other, and then we made our way out of the stands as the teams dispersed from the field.

"That was amazing," Fred said in awe when we stepped out of the doors of the stadium.
He still had that look of awe on his face which made a warm feeling spread across my chest, considering how hard the past week had been for him. I was just happy to provide something to take his mind off of it.

"Yeah, that was bloody fantastic," Ron said, the same look of awe.

I looped my arms with Fred and George's as we walked, and Hermione and Ginny did the same with Ron and Harry. We walked in a content silence to a spot where we could use the portkey, but it wasn't quite quiet considering the thousands of people surrounding us that slowly dispersed as we walked further and further from the stadium.

"Okay, ready?" Hermoine said, pulling a shoe out of her bag.

"I don't want to leave," George whined and buried his face on my shoulder.

"Get up," I chuckled and shook him off.

Everyone nodded as we took hold of the leather shoe and we were soon transported back to Hogwarts.


"I'm starving," Fred said as we walked into their room.

Wonderful Mischief (Fred Weasley x Reader x George Weasley)Where stories live. Discover now