Part 10

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As jay and the unit arrived at Lily's apartment complex, they spread out around the sides of the building, "jay lead us up" hank said since jay knew which apartment it was. He lead them upstairs and on the count of three he opened the door that was already unlocked, jay immediately ran to her room since that's where Alex was the last time he checked. "Clear" Kim shouted from the bathroom. "Clear" Kevin shouted from the living area.

"Clear..." jay shouted from the bedroom sounding defeated.  Hank joined him in the bedroom, jay was crouched down to the floor holding a smashed up box.  "Jay..." Hank said while placing a hand on his shoulder.  Jay wasn't fazed by his touch and he didn't look at Hank, "he's ruined everything, this is all she had left" jay confirmed.  He rummaged through the box to see if there was anything he could salvage for her, he was about to give up on looking through her memory box since everything was either burned, soaked or cut up but a picture caught his eye. 

             It was a picture of the three siblings, they were at navy pier.  Will was about 14, jay was about 12 and lily was only about 8.  His heart warmed up a little as the memory flooded back into his brain.  "Hey sarge we got something" olinsky said breaking the silence.  Jay and hanks heads whipped around, they followed al out into the kitchen.  "He so kindly left us his wallet" adam said while holding up Alex's wallet by his finger tips.  Jay sighed since they now had a good lead on where to find Alex, "alright get back to the district and look at his cards, receipts, anything and everything!" Hank barked the order at everyone but jay.  "Go back to med, she'll need you" Hank said while pointing to the door.  Jay nodded thankfully and left to drive back to med.

             When he arrived back at med he ran to tell Will the good and bad news, "hey will, we've got a lead. The units working on it now, but he's ruined everything, this is all I could save..." jay said sorrowfully while showing Will the picture.  Will looked at him sadly but he was grateful that they had something to go off of, jay left in silence and joined his sister and hailey.  "What's going on? Jay?" Lily said realising he was back.  Jay looked over at her, "he got to your stuff, this is all I could save..." he said while handing her the picture of the siblings.  Hailey looked at jay sadly. 

              Lily took the picture from her brother and stared at it before looking back at him with glassy eyes, "what about the pictures with dad..." her voice trailed off at the end.  Jay looked at her sadly and shook his head, he didn't even get to say anything before she broke down into tears.  Jay sat down on her bed and hugged her tightly, he let a few tears roll down his own cheek too.  He was holding his broken baby sister in his arms after watching her nearly die a few hours earlier.  Hailey could hear the pain in her cries so she grabbed Lily's hand and held it, it wasn't long until she felt her grasp it back.  Will had noticed that his two siblings were upset and he joined them, hailey took this as her sign to let them have some time alone.

              Will joined in on the hug while sitting down on the other side of her bed, "you're okay, we got you" Will said since jay was unable to talk too.  She cried in her brothers arms for a few minutes longer, "we found a lead on him" jay said with a shaky voice.  Lily's head shot up, she stared at him even though she couldn't see his face through the tears.  "Y-yeah?" She spat out.  "He left his wallet behind, the teams working on it now..." he smiled sadly at his siblings before grabbing Lily's hand. 

              Will was paged again so he had to leave but hailey joined them so they weren't alone.  "You guys needing anything?" She said breaking the silence.  Lily shook her head but jay nodded his, "I'll take a coffee please" he said with a smile.  Hailey nodded and tapped Lily's hand before going to the cafeteria.
Lily looked down and jay sensed her mood change, "what's wrong?" He said while reaching for her hand again. She looked at him with sad eyes, "I've done nothing but cause trouble since I got back..." she said sadly. Jay furrowed his brows, "well that's not your fault, we'll find Alex and we'll lock him up" he said while squeezing her hand a bit tighter.

She still looked sad but jay knew why so he didn't push her, "are you tired?" He said since she looked exhausted. She shook her head and looked at him, she looked scared. Jay knew she was tired but probably terrified to close her eyes, "you're safe here..." he said reassuringly. She smiled weakly but looked down again, she kept fiddling with her blanket. He noticed her hands moving around, that was something she always done when she was scared, carefully he placed his hands on hers to stop her from worrying, she looked at him with the sorry eyes. "I didn't realise..." she started but was cut off by jay grabbing her hands tighter and smiling.

She must've been so tired, her eyes began to shut and before she knew it she was asleep. Hailey reappeared holding two coffees, "hey hails" jay whispered with a smile. Hailey smiled an gave him his coffee but she stayed quiet since lily was finally sleeping. "How's she doing? You know mentally..." hailey whispered. Jay looked at his partner with a sad smile, "I don't know, she keeps everything to herself. If she's struggling then she she'll hide it, she always has..." jay said while turning to look at his sister. Jay and hailey talked for hours, he explained her life story and how she ended up here. Lily was in a deep sleep so there was no way she could hear them.

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