Part 4

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Jay and lily drove back in silence, "you can crash at my place if you want? If it helps?" Jay said as he pulled up to the junction which would separate the siblings routes home. "Really?" She said while looking at jay in shock. "Yeah, after the day you've had you're gonna need some company" he admitted. She smiled weakly and looked back out the window, "yeah sure" she accepted his offer. Instead of dropping her off, he just drove straight to his apartment. She smiled at the familiarity of his home, "just like old times" she joked as they made their way into the elevator. Jay smiled and agreed.

She stayed the night at jays place, it made her feel safe knowing she was home. Even if it brought back all of her ghosts, she loved Chicago. LA helped her recover, but Chicago would always be her forever home. "You ready to go?" Jay shouted from the kitchen. She laughed at how impatient he was, "coming!" She shouted back. She always kept spare clothes at both brothers places in case of emergencies. She surfaced into the kitchen and grabbed her badge and gun, they both left with coffees in their hands and drove to work to wrap up the case.

Before lily and jay could make it past the gate to buzz themselves up trudy called lily back down to the front desk, "hey halstead, your face is looking better already" trudy joked and lily rolled her eyes playfully "that's not the reason i need you though, someone left you this..." she added while passing her an envelope with her name on it. Lily took it from her, "thanks trudy" she said as she walked back over to jay in confusion. Jay furrowed his eyebrows, "what's that?" He said noisily. She was just as confused as he was, "I don't know" she truthfully answered but shoved it in her bag. "You're not gonna open it?" He said shocked. She laughed at his reaction, "I'll leave it for later...hey listen, can I crash at your place again tonight. I don't really feel like being alone at the moment..." she admitted quite embarrassed.

Jay took her hand and smiled at her, "of course, you don't need to ask. I'll get Will to come over and fetch pizza, just like when we were younger" he laughed. The memories cheered her up, "sounds great" she smiled and headed for the locker room. She placed her bag into her locker and took a deep breath before walking to her desk. They finished up the witness reports and paper work from the bust last night, "jay you're with me" Hank said as he put his gun in the safe before walking over to the interview room. Hailey, Kevin and lily watched the interrogation from the viewing room. It didn't take long for jay to push a confession from the man, as Voight and jay were still telling the man what was going to go down Lily's face turned pale and she started swaying back and forth slightly.

Kevin and hailey noticed her dizziness, "uh lily? you okay?" Kevin said while standing behind her so she didn't fall backwards. She didn't answer so hailey grabbed her arm, "lily?" Hailey said with a worried look. She snapped back into reality and regained her balance, "what? Oh yeah I'm good" she said with a small smile. She ignored what just happened and turned to watch Voight and jay stand up to leave, Kevin and hailey looked worried but they shook it off and went by their usual morning routines.

Since they hadn't got a case so far and it was 4pm Hank told them all to go home, no one objected and they packed up to leave. It was just hailey and lily in the locker room, they were chatting away and getting their jackets on when lily stood up and turned pale. Hailey noticed it again for the second time that day, "lily? You don't look too good" hailey said while grabbing her so she didn't fall back or anything. She sat lily down on the bench so she was safe, "are you okay?" Hailey asked again once the color in her cheeks came back. "Yeah I'm fine" she said brushing it off like she did before, hailey knew something was wrong so she smiled and grabbed her back then went to talk to jay.

He was waiting by his desk for lily so she walked over to quickly tell him, "hey, Lily doesn't seem too good. She's nearly passed out twice today, once during the interrogation and just now. Keep an eye on her..." she said before leaving to go home. Jay filled with worry and went to look for her in the locker room but she walked out before he could join her, "you okay?" He said noticing that she was a bit flushed of color. She nodded and flashed a smile before joining him to walk to his car. Jay kept an eye on her the whole drive back to his place, when he parked in his usual spot they both noticed wills car and smiled. "Guess he beat us to it" lily said as she grabbed her duffel bag from the back seat. Jay laughed and done the same.

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