The Forgotten Children

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AN: This chapter includes OCs that were sub,titled and there is a description of them in the last chapter.

Third Person POV:

Alexa was flying with Luke on her back when she heard two voices. She flew down to the ground, turned into her human form and hid behind a tree with grey leaves.

"You don't need knowledge to win a battle!" a man exclaimed. "All you need is fighting skills and a weapon, you dam moron!"

"Of course you do! There's even multiple gods for that!" a woman argued back. "It's called strategy!"

"Wait a second, there's a girl behind that tree!" the man said, pointing at Alexa. "Who the Hades are you?!"

"Who are you?" the woman repeated in a kinder tone.

"I'm Alexa, Champion of Tartarus." Alexa responded.

"The pit god? Anyway, I'm the god of Psychology, Mental Insincts and Loyalty while that idiot over there is Cornelius, and he's the god of Annoyingness and Vileness. No kidding. We are the forgotten children."

"It's not my dam fault. You better shut your dam-

"There are children here, rotten corn!" the goddess interrupted. "Call me Psy for now."

"Do not call me rotten corn you dam-

The god tried to speak but he found that he had a rope that was made out of shadows covering his mouth. "Is that better?" Alexa asked Psy.

"Yeah, thank you." Psy said gratefully.

"How do you put up with this guy." Luke questioned.

"I have to." Psy sighed. (Sorry) "We have to stick together down here. Our parents cast us into this pit and we can't escape. Can you try to get Tartarus to free us? That's probably to much to ask, nevermind."

"No, it's fine. I'll try. He might say no, but he actually isn't that bad of a guy." Alexa replied.

"Isn't that bad of a guy?" Psy snorted. "Why doesn't he let us out then?"

"Well, he doesn't want you in here. He only punishes people who deserve to be punished. He might not even know that you're here. He also can't guarantee you a safe passageway out of here. All he can do is make sure you make it to the Doors Of Death without being killed." Alexa explained.

"Yeah, part of the reason I want to leave Tartarus is to raid Olympus. I hate the Olympians."

"I feel you on that one but don't attack Vulcan/Hephaestus or Mercury/Hermès (Alexa's camp knows about both pantheons.) or we won't be on your side. I'm a daughter of Vulcan and my friend here is a son of Hermès. In fact, I'll even join you in your war." Alexa warned.

"Really? That's a suicide mission for a mortal." Psy said, surprised.

"I have quite a bit of power. I also presume that I have Vulcan and Hermès on my side. I also have Tartarus who is a primordial god and all." Alexa said. "Well, I'll ask Tartarus to free you and I guess we'll get this war going. I have nothing to lose, so why not!"

Word Count: 509

AN: Alexa will also receive some other..unexpected help in the upcoming war. See you next chapter!

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