Chapter 11

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A/n: Hello everybody! Today is January 25th, 2020. HAPPY FIRST BIRTHDAY TO IGGEE ROSE!!! oh my god i didn't realize today was the birthday until i was sitting in the shower.

oh god, where to begin? a year ago today i started an account after my sister pulled up loki fanfic and told me to leave her alone XD. after that, i fell in love and started with "I Want What I Deserve" and "Reality." still dont know why "IWWID" is so popular cause it sucks but whatever- anyways i caught a bug with this place and continued writing. and i wrote. a lot.

 i'd like to consider myself a somewhat popular person, both for my writing and my comments, because i also get a lot of my followers from comments on various other stories. i am in constant awe at the OVERWHELMING love and support i get and have continued to get on my stories. it means THE ENTIRE WORLD to me, and i dont think i would still be here if it weren't for you. mean EVERYTHING to me. you are so precious to me and i love you forever. with that said, HAPPY BIRTHDAY TO IGGEE ROSE!!

Y/n sets her and Robin's coffee down when the phone starts ringing. Robin looks at her curiously as she picks it up. "Who's calling this early?"

"Hello?" Y/n asks.

"Y/n, hi!" Steve says on the other end of the line.

"Hey, Steve. What's up?" Y/n asks, leaning against the counter.

"I've been thinking about what you and Robin said, about the van, and I think I have a solution for you two."


Meet me at my house at 10:00."

"I-" The line rings out, dead. "Ok." Y/n turns to Robin. "He told me that he thinks he has a solution to our van problem and we should meet him at his house at 10:00."

Robin groans and smushes her face into the couch cushions. "I wanted to drink coffee and cuddle you today."


Y/n and Robin pull up at Steve's house, hand-in-hand. He's leaning against his car in his usual tight jeans and jacket. "Girls," he greets, opening the car door for them.

Robin eyes him. "Are you kidnapping us, dingus?"

He rolls his eyes. "No- just get in the car." Y/n laughs and climbs into the car beside Robin. Steve pulls off and through the country, climbing a hill. He pulls through two trees and parks in front of a junkyard.

"Steve, what the hell is this?" Y/n asks, getting out.

"This is me fulfilling your dreams."


He guides them past old, broken-down, rusty cars to rows of vans with "Hawkins Electricity" on the sides. They are all relatively new cars, too. ODFNAOWEIGNEG THIS IS SO FUNNY TO ME

Y/n breaks down into laughter and runs over to one. "This is perfect!" Robin stands there in awe.

" actually is, dingus. Thank you."

Steve bows and smirks to himself.


Day 1 of Van Renovation

Y/n runs outside the apartment complex to the parking lot, squealing. Robin follows her, smiling at her giddiness. The rest of the Party, including the older kids and Alexei, walk up from down the street. "What are you guys doing here?" Y/n asks.

Max slams a box of tools on the ground. "You didn't expect us to let you gut this on your own, did you?" Eleven asks

Y/n laughs in happiness and hugs El and Alexei. "Let's get started!" She throws open the back door and begins throwing various items in the back into a trash pile. After throwing all the items out, Jonathan and Alexei pulls up in his car.

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